A Stranger Comes Storming

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It was stormy night in the seaside town of Oceanside. The wind howled throughout the sky while the rain came bucketing down. The storm would soon rescind as the thunder and lightning died down. However, one final enormous bold of lightening crashed down just outside of town, leaving a creator of burnt earth and scorched trees. In the center of the smoldering crater was a large hooded cloaked figure. The figure looked around his surroundings only to pause and flee as the fire crew and police arrived at the scene to survey the damage. The hooded figure hid behind the trees and came to a small puddle.

He reached out his large scaly clawed arm and dropped a marble into the puddle. "Show me." He growled in a raspy voice. "Show me the champion of this land." A vapor of water emerged from the puddle and formed into a small crystal sphere. It glowed in the moonlight and, from its magical aura, formed a picture in the sphere. It showed a picture of child. A very strange looking child. She had aquamarine skin, strange tentacle-like blue hair, adorable pectoral fin-like ears and large vibrant turquoise eyes. "Here..." said a haunting voice from the floating orb "Here is the one you seek." The hooded figured growled loudly, as his menacing green eyes peered from his dark hood. "A child?!" he growled "The champion I seek is a mere child?!!!!" the figured roared as he rose in a fit of anger, breathing a huge ball of fire and brimstone into the air. 

After that, the menacing figure breathed a moment of calm and returned focus to the picture of the young strange girl in the orb. "Who is she?" He growled "Her name..." the haunting voice replied "...is Ruby Gillman, the granddaughter of the Kraken Warrior Queen and Guardian of Oceanside." The figure raised his clawed hand in interest "A royal kraken... the Warrior Queen Grandmamma's grandchild you say... She may prove to be worthy opponent after all." The mysterious fiend said with cruel intent.

Ruby Gillman Kraken vs. DragoonWhere stories live. Discover now