The Final Revelation

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Valroc however, seizing with jealously from the dirt, grabbed a battle horn from his belt and blew on it. It released a great wave of fire that not only summoned his dragoon troops from the sky to his side, but also create an enormous fire wraith that toward over the townsfolk and our heroes. "DESTROY THEM ALL!!!!" he bellowed as his troops and fire beast charged towards everyone. However, just before any of them could do any damage, a huge bolt of lightning shot from the sky and slammed into the ground, forcing back the dragoon troops and disintegrated the fire wraith to ash.

The ash cloud quickly dissipated, revealing a tall red and golden dragoon with long flowing white hair standing in its place. He was clothed in a dazzling cloak and fine robes and wore a golden mask over its face wielding a magnificent golden staff. The ghostly gyoji bows before the majestic dragoon "Your highness." The dragoon troops join in bowing the heads as did Valroc, kneeling before their Dragoon Daimyo. "VALROC!" the Daimyo boomed angrily "To use such tactics and dark arts in conference, in battle and in defeat! Not only have you disgraced yourself and our mighty dragoon race thus, but you have disgraced ME! Your own father with your lack of honor! You have not earned this combat, yet you had the audacity to use our royal crest, our magical powers our royal troops, and risk the peace between our lands, all to make a name for yourself in such a horrid manner!." Valroc looked up at his engaged father. "Father... my lord... I..." "SILENCE!!!" the Daimyo roared. He waved his mystical golden staff and formed heavy chains and metal cuffs from the air and shackled the vial Valroc, including clamping his toothy trap shut. "You have brought great shame upon our kingdom and you will answer for this atrocity." The dragoon lord proclaimed.

Then the Daimyo walked toward the trembling crowd "People of Oceanside. Know that while Valroc acted outside of our kingdom's acknowledgement, know that we, the dragoon race of the sky, cannot not excuse this violation between our countries. And as the ruler of our sky kingdom, and as the parent of your tormentor, no amount of words can express our deepest sincerity for this catastrophe. As the Lord of the Sky Dragoon's, I am truly sorry for the trauma that my family has put you through and I solemnly swear we will never threaten your land or community ever again." He expressed with a humble bow. The Lord then turned to the kraken girl's family. "Great Warrior Queen Grandmamma of the kraken kingdom, noble Gillman's, benevolent human comrades, you have all raised your champion well. I salute you." Bowing his head in great respect as the whole family acknowledged his apology and his generous words.

The great Daimyo then finally turned his attention to young kraken girl herself as wobbled herself to her feet and stumbled towards him. "You have fought well young Ruby Gillman. And displayed great skill in the way of combat and insight of mind. You have also showed true qualities of empathy, kindness, mindfulness and humility. You have indeed proved to be a truly honorable guardian." Ruby simply beamed.

"As a testament of my sincerity..." The Daimyo proclaimed releasing his golden staff into the air "I will now undo the damage inflicted upon you. All of you." The Daimyo positioned his hands together and infused a mystical flow of energy into the golden staff. The glowing staff emitted a powerful electrical surge before releasing a powerful wave of light the spread throughout the town. The light wave touched every demolished structure, every ruined estate and every injury on all living things, and all the damage was slowly reversed. Smashed bricks were reformed and put back into place; splintered metal was removed and remodeled; scorched earth was vigorously recuperated and plants brought back to life. All the devastation from the battle was slowly but surely undone. The land was restored and all the buildings and structures, including the Gillman's home, were all fully restored, and every injury on all the townsfolk, including the far off Clarence's tail scar on his body, was healed. Ruby's own injuries, every scrap and bruise and torn limb, had all but completely vanished as the Daimyo's spell of restoration of all of Oceanside and its inhabitants had completed its purpose.

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