The Challenge

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The moonlight shone down on the glimmering lake by the dockside. Ruby was happily enjoying her large kelp shake with all of her family's ice cream. Gordon Lighthouse was allowed to stay so long as he promised not to chew with his mouth open. Grandmamma had managed to shrink herself down to human size to enjoy the company of her family, although she still refused to leave the water. "Feeling better sweetheart?" Agatha asked as she rested her hand on Ruby's shoulder. "A lot better now. Thanks mom." Agatha kissed Ruby again "You can thank your Grandmamma for the ice cream though. She did foot the bill." Grandmamma shrug while gulping down shovel size scoop from her enormous sundae "What's the point in having great riches if you can't ever us them?"

"This calls for a toast." She boomed raising her enormous sundae "Too our Ruby Gillman. She who defeated the mermaid queen, destroyed her greatest weapon, and brought our people out of the shadows of the sea." Everyone else raised their cups and cones "To Ruby Gillman!" Ruby blushed and buried her face under her hood until her friends pulled her out and gave her an enormous hug.

"I still can't get over that epic fight! It was kaiju level epic!" Sam said with enthusiasm. "The mermaid freak was all I am the dreaded mermaid queen! Tremble at the power of my mighty giant fork!" Then Brill joined in "And Ruby was all Not today ex best friend! You're reign of terror ends right here, RIGHT NOW!!!! And then you and sis and mamma all laserized that fork into dust! WAPOW!!"  As Sam and Brill bounced around with Nessie, playing the role of Ruby's big battle, the vial cloaked stranger watched from the shadows. "Aye lass." Gordon agreed while trying to clean the melted ice cream from his salty beard "By Neptune's beard! You stared down the face of death and struck down it's villainy with a MIGHTY blow!" Ruby shooked her head "Come one guys really. I really couldn't have done it without Mom and Grandmamma. All our combined laser eyes destroyed the trident. It was just the exponential equation."

"Yes sweetie it was the expo... expo trial... expo math thing." Agatha, who apparently wasn't as good as a math whiz as her daughter, agreed with her none the less "But you're the one who brought us together. You're the one who came up with the plan all by yourself." "My daughter's right little sunfish." Grandmamma chimed in "I mean I am the one who trained you to control your awesome kraken powers. Your welcome again by the way." She also bragged, Agatha rolled her eyes again "But training is all I provided. You saw through the problem by yourself. You saw threw every angel by yourself. You saw an answer at the end of the abyss and you brought us together and pulled an epic execution that won the battle. You alone proved yourself a true kraken guardian." Ruby blushed even brighter under her grandmother's big words.

From the shadows, the boisterous warrior queen's words also reached the stranger's ears. He growled with interest and jealous rage.

"That..." Grandmamma continued "and your youthfulness along with having the home turf was big advantage in that battle too." "Yes yes! Ok everyone yes!" Ruby finally blurted out with embarrassment "Thank you everyone! Thank you! Really! Now can you please STOP praising me! You already maded me feel much better an hour ago, now you're just making me melt. Can we please just sit down relax and eat our ice cre..."

Ruby was about to take another slurp when suddenly, without enough time to blink an eye, a silver dagger tore though Ruby's milkshake. Ruby instantly formed a thick layer of body armor on her face as her kelp shake exploded in a creamy blast and the blade connected and ricocheted off her face and landed on the ground. Everyone jumps in shock. "RUBY!" Arthur and Agatha cried out, rushing to their daughter's side.  Grandmamma quickly wiped out her battle staff "Everyone! Get behind me!" She ordered.

Connor, Margot, Bliss and Trevin rushed in to help their blue friend. Margot searched Ruby's armored face over two hundred times to search for any damage "RUBYRUBYRUBY Sweet Mercy Jones Ruby! Areyouokwhatwasthat?!" Ruby couldn't barley muster a word until she managed to regain her breathing control. She powered down her armor and stood back up. Grandmamma searched around the whole area then turned her attention to the shining dagger cemented into the ground. She reached down pulled it out of the ground. It gleamed beautifully in the moonlight with a golden symbol of a dragon on the handle. "Oh no..." Agatha turned to her mother "What is mom? The Aguaian-sasins?" Grandmamma showed her the dagger "Wha... No... It couldn't be." Ruby turned to her mother and grandmother "Mom...? Grandmamma...? What is..." Her question was interrupted with the sound of clawed feet, scraping against the ground. Ruby, her family and friends all turned their attention to a black shape in the fog.

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