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The entire drive to the tiny convenience store on the reservation was full of loud, off key singing, and both windows down all the way. At Bella's request, Jake maxed out the volume on the radio. The loud bass rattled her to the bone; soulful lyrics and catchy melody filling her with a quiet happiness. She couldn't remember the last time she listened to any music besides classical, the boring kind from before the twentieth century. Bella missed it.

They exited the mustang and made their way to the entrance. The store wasn't huge by any means, but it was cozy. The walls were a soothing sage green color. Soft music played in the background, adding to the tranquil atmosphere. The aisles were relatively empty, with only one or two customers browsing. The store was charming and full of character; signs written by hand added a pleasant touch. Bella loved "mom n' pop" businesses. It was better than putting money back into a greedy corporation's pockets.

Jake snatched a comically small basket from the holder behind the sliding double doors, heading towards the first aisle on the left. He was a giant, squeezing into the narrow space between shelves; broad shoulders almost too wide for them. Jake towered over the top of the aisle, which failed to shock Bella. She hated she was still several inches shorter than the highest shelf. Stupid wolf genes. Three boxes of Popsmarts went into the basket.

"I thought we were here for dinner." She recalled.

"It won't hurt to look." He turned around and scanned the first row, craning his neck to read the handwritten sign labeled 'Condiments' on the end-cap. "Got all those. Next."

Bella shuffled behind him into the following aisle, amused but mildly annoyed with his chaotic shopping methods. She preferred to make a list. Jake repeated his process, this time grabbing a loaf of bread and a few other items from the opposite facing shelves. She interrupted him after the second bag of tortillas.

"Do you have any clue what you want to make? Chicken? Beef? Seafood? Pasta?" Bella listed off a few options.

"Not in the slightest, Bells." An infectious grin spread over his face, "what sounds good for dinner?" He clutched a bag of bagels to his broad chest, placing it into the full-to-the-brim basket.

"Jake—you're thinking with your stomach... at this rate, you'll end up buying the entire store." She cupped her petite hand over the top of his much larger one; he stilled.

Jake sported a thoughtful expression, "yeah. You're right. I can't help it. Everything just looks so good."

Bella stifled a laugh. "I'll grab a shopping cart." She shot him a playful scowl, "don't move."

He surrendered, raising his hands with a mischievous glint in his eyes. She took the basket from him, walking to the front with it. Bella emptied its contents into a rolling cart, returning the small basket to its holder. She separated the regular items from the soft ones. That way, they wouldn't get smashed. When she rejoined him in the aisle, he had already grabbed another armful of more food. Bella shook her head, rolling her eyes. Jake froze with a guilty look and straightened, scratching nervously behind his head.

"Do you remember what food you have at the house?" She glanced up at him, eyeing the other items he now hesitantly put into the cart. It reminded her of a child, excited to pick out a toy.

"Uhh," he blinked rapidly, "I'm pretty sure we've already passed everything I have in the cupboards."

"Okay, what about what you have for ingredients for a meal? Like tonight's dinner..." Bella started down the second aisle, eyes skimming over the dozens of products.

"What's your favorite?" Jake smiled warmly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Dish, that is."

Bella's heart skipped a beat. She panicked. Why did it matter? Settle down.

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