7 Restless Khushi

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Part 7 Restless Khushi

Khushi admired the man in the chariot even though she didn't like the judgment he had given to the case. Yes, she didn't like the judgment of marrying the rapist. In the modern world, it would be considered as PUNISHMENT to the girl who got raped. But in ancient times, this was how it would have worked. Everything related to women had been connected with CHASTITY and chastity was purely a matter of BODY no matter if she was pure by heart. Girls were taught to be male-dependent. They had no independence to decide their future except for the Royals. They even refused to study. Khushi knew that. Yet, she admired him because she liked the reason for his ANGER.

Arnav noticed her watching him with a slight smile.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, whisking the whip.

"Even though I don't like your judgment, I admire your anger," she said, without hesitation.

He looked at her oddly.

"Why don't you like my judgment? I ordered him to marry her... what else do you want me to do?"

"You ordered him to marry her... what if he is already married?"

Arnav pulled the saddle and stopped the chariot, looking at her shockingly.

"Or, what if she loves someone?"

Arnav was stunned. He came to the composure.

"Whatever... we can do nothing after she lost her chastity,"

"She is the victim and she is the one who should be punished?"

"What are you saying?"

"He forced her... she is hurt... but now, she has no choice but to marry him and be submissive to him. What kind of judgment is this?"

"But, what else she would do if the marriage doesn't take place?"

She sighed.

"This is how our society works. The girl would have killed herself if I had not given the judgment even if she loves someone or he is married. That's why I handed the responsibility to the village head to observe their family. If you don't believe me, I will take you to her. You can ask her about it. I'm sure she would be peaceful by my judgment. To save herself only I gave such judgment"

"I accept" She raised her hands up because she knew Arnav was not wrong.

Even in modern India, she had seen many women in the same category.

"The much I know, no one would admire anyone's ANGER," Arnav said, concentrating on the road.

"The reason behind your anger is undoubtedly admirable... what a wave of anger...! I was stunned. I got to know you respect women. That was what makes me admire it"

Arnav faced a tough time hiding his smile. That was the first time, a girl daringly said she ADMIRED his anger. He felt shy even though she didn't say she admired HIM.

"You know what? Our country girls won't fall in love easily. They would marry the man whom their parents fix for them. So, the girl would not have fallen in love"

"Oh...ok, girls won't fall in love... what about MEN? Won't they fall in love with beautiful girls? I see all the girls are so attractive"

Arnav looked at her as if she was a ghost.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"This is the first time; a girl is accepting other girls are also beautiful"

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