16 Allegation

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Part 16 Allegation

Arnav didn't know, the matter which he brought to the king not only going to shake the king but also Arnav himself in an unexpected way.

"What do you want to tell me, Arnav?" King Chaithanya asked.

"Many atrocities are happening in our Kingdom. Our People are meeting injustice..."

"What do you mean, Arnav?"

"Yes, Father, a lecher is spoiling girls' life..." Arnav said it in detail.

"Who the hell is doing this? We have to take severe action against the person who is misusing his power. I don't care who he is..."

"He is none other than Hemadri... my uncle... your brother-in-law"

The king was shocked.

"What are you saying, Arnav?"

"Yes, Father... the foreigner who accompanied me to our palace is an eyewitness. She saw a man trying to take a girl with him. She fought with him and saved the girl"

"Did the foreigner get to know about the cheap thing that was happening in our kingdom...? Shame...!" he felt bad.

"Yes, Father. No one from our kingdom is ready to stand against Hemadri. They are scared to raise their finger at him"

"I'm issuing the order... arrest him... send him to the underground prison," The king said furiously.

At the same time, a man rushed inside the room, shouting,

"Danger... we are in danger..."

Arnav and the king looked at him frowning because he was Hemadri himself.

"What danger are you talking about?" The King asked.

"The danger that our honorable Prince brought to the palace"

"What do you mean?" Arnav gritted his teeth.

"The girl whom he brought to the palace is a SPY. She is here to stalk us. She is from Kalinga..."

Arnav became wrathful.

"It's a lie... she is from Dolakpur..." Arnav shouted.

Cutting him,

"Do you have any proof? Just because she said she belongs to Dolakpur, it's not necessary to be true"

"Do you have proof to prove her a spy?"

"I have spies all over the kingdom. One of them brought me the message"

"She saved my life from the poisoned arrow. Because of her, I'm alive now. If she is a spy, she should have let me die instead of saving me"

"That's her smartness... see, how you are taking her side now? You even brought her to the palace... treating her like a princess... she is here with a plan. How could you allow such a person into the palace without analyzing anything, Prince Aparajit?"

"She has no plan. I know her. She could not be a spy because she has no qualities of a spy. After a long analysis only I bought her here"

"Nowadays spies are so smart. They are trained not to act like a spy but as simple people. Being a prince, how could you fall into her trap easily?"

"I warn you... if you talk one more word about Khushi, I won't spare you"

"I don't know what magic she had done on you. You are behaving like a spell bounded person. (He looked at the king) Maharaj, please take immediate action. Save our prince from her. Or, else, we will lose our Prince. I, myself will arrest the witch and send her to the underground prison if you order me" Hemadri pleaded the king.

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