37 Declaration

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Part 37 Declaration

Arnav was shocked to the core by the sudden HUG. He stood like a statue without a blink. He could not understand anything. No one ever hugged him before, not even his mother. He was a man who didn't usually hug anyone. That was the first time, he was being hugged... that too by a GIRL! His heartbeat rose even though Khushi was the girl he loved. Maybe, that was why his heartbeat was raised. His brain stopped working. It took one full minute for his brain to resume its work. He could fight with the biggest troop but with his feelings.

What happened to Khushi? What made her hug him? Was she emotional? But why?"

"K...Khu...shi..." The man who was a warrior stammered.

Khushi tightened the hug and buried her face into his chest, worsening his condition. Arnav slowly closed his eyes not wanting to think anything. after a few seconds, his arms automatically raised and surrounded her. There bloomed a soft smile on his lips. How ecstatic the feel was to be in the beloved one's arms!

Khushi could not tolerate the news of Arnav's death. Though she wanted to go to her era she could not stand when she got to know Arnav would die without her. There was nothing in her mind other than Arnav. How could she let him die the only great man she had met in her life? She could not even imagine his demise. She felt like, she would be left alone in the world if Arnav had not been with her.

Khushi understood one thing. The avoidance she showed toward Arnav was not true. Her heart had already fallen for Arnav and she didn't realize it. That was why she felt the same pain of her parent's demise, hearing about Arnav.

Arnav opened his eyes when he heard the laughing sound of girls who were playing downstairs. He looked at Khushi, pulling her back from the hug.

"What happened to you, Khushi?"

She composed herself and decided not to tell Arnav about his FATE. She didn't want him to think she married him out of sympathy. After all, he was a warrior...!


Arnav raised his brows, wondering.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" she asked.

"Tell me the reason for your hug. Why did you hug me suddenly?"

"I just felt to..."

"Whaaat?" He chuckled.

"I told you, you would feel awkward about my actions. Didn't I? I will feel to do something crazy anytime... just like this hug..."

"So, you hugged me without a reason?"

"Do you want me to have a reason to hug you?"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"I don't think you hugged me just because you felt to hug me because you looked a little emotional when you hugged me,"

Khushi was stunned. It seemed Arnav became an expert in studying her.

"Emotional and me?" She chuckled and nodded no.

Arnav folded his hands and smirked.

"Ok... I will tell you the truth," she said.

Arnav nodded yes.

"I was overwhelmed by your love. I didn't expect you would take it to your parents... I was stunned by your quick and straightforward approach. You are a nice man. I didn't realize it. I would have missed you for some unnecessary reasons,"

"Are you ready to marry me wholeheartedly?" he asked with disbelief.

She nodded yes.

"Is it?"

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