Stressed Out Part 2

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Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've had writer's block. Here's Part 2 of Stressed Out! Enjoy!💕

Kenji said it was probably best if I wait outside while he talks to Aaron. Something about guys and emotions but, honestly, I didn't care enough to listen, but now I wish I had because I've been sitting here for what feels like hours driving myself crazy.

Aaron has always been there for me, even if I didn't realize it at first. He's been cheering me on since the first moment we met and the many years that followed. He loved me when I didn't know how to love myself.
And I just want to make sure he's okay.
I want him to know that he can talk to me. That I'm afraid, too. That we can get through this together.
That I'll always be there for him, no matter what.

"Alright princess. The prince is accepting visitors," Kenji announces as he exits the room.
I stand up so fast I almost fall back down.
"He's okay? What did you say to him?"
"I just told him to get his shit together and if there's something pestering him to get off his sorry ass and deal with it."
If looks could kill, Kenji would be six feet under.
"So you degraded him when he needed comfort?"
"Hey, it worked for you when you were going through your depressed my-life-sucks-and-I-hate-my-super-awesome-power phase. You just needed to hear the cold, hard truth."
I roll my eyes at him even though I'm smiling.
"I hate it when you're right."
"Too bad I'm right all the time," he says while checking his watch, and then, "So if everything's cool now do you mind if I go because I told James I'd teach him some karate at 5:00, so that means I only have an hour to learn karate."
I laugh out loud and nod my head, watching as Kenji runs down the hall, giving me a quick namaste before he goes.

I enter the bedroom to see Aaron standing in front of the bed, looking ashamed. It breaks my heart.
"Hello, love," he says as he pulls me in for a hug.
I immediately relax once I'm in his comforting, strong embrace.
"Hi," I whisper into his shirt. I pull away to get a better look at his face. Even when he's stressed, he has the most beautiful face. His striking emerald eyes glimmer as he looks at me.
"Are you alright?"
He nods his head and says, "Yes," then, "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being there."
I look at him once more.
"For always being there."


His hands are in my hair as he kisses me with a passion that rages like fire. I put my hands around his waist, pushing myself into his chest, so his heart is beating against mine. Our hearts beating in unison.
I push him onto the bed and sit on his lap. He kisses me harder. Fiercer.
It makes me think I'm dead.
I'm dead and in heaven because this is too perfect to be real. Too amazing to be true. And I never want it to end.
It's these moments. These moments that make me realize it all has been worth it. All the hell I've been through has been worth it just to get to live for this moment. To breathe in his scent as he draws endless circles on my back with the tips of his fingers.

He pulls back, gasping in a desperate attempt to get air in his heaving lungs, and I do the same.
"I love you so much," he says, staring at me. "God you're so beautiful."
I can literally feel myself blushing as he pushes back a strand of my hair so that both my eyes are staring into his. Mine blue and his green. We create the globe I think. Our own world.
Our own, perfect world.

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