Beach Day

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I bet you didn't think I would be posting again so soon. Well, surprise! I hope you guys enjoy my new story and thank you as always for reading! Love y'a! 💕

Thank you @warnerstyles for the inspiration for this story.

I've always thought the beach was beautiful. Not just because of its white-capped waves and beige sand dunes. I've always thought it was a beautiful metaphor. For life, for love, for tragedy. Anything and everything I can compare to the ocean.

"Hey, Princess. We came to the beach so you could stop thinking for a while, but instead you're doing that weird thing where you stare off into the horizon like you're in a cringy Disney movie."

I roll my eyes at him and throw some sand at his face.
"Oww, okay. Jesus, J! You got sand in my eyes!"
I laugh a little as I watch him dramatically swipe at his face in an attempt to get the sand off.
"I'm sorry. Here, let me help," I say with a grin prominent on my face.

It takes a couple minutes but, once I finally help get the sand out of Kenji's eyes, he's quick to get his revenge.

"Okay, Princess. It's about time you get a royal dunk," he says, scooping me up quickly in his arms.
"Ahh! Kenji, put me down! What are you doing?" I say in between laughter.
Kenji charges forward and drops me in the ocean. My body makes a large splash as I am submerged into the salty waves. When I resurface, I am gasping for air.

Kenji is laughing so hard I think he's crying. I'm still sputtering for air, but I'm smiling.
"Ha! Now you're swimming in fish pee!"
I just shrug and say "I've actually always wanted to go swimming in the ocean, so thank you"
"I don't care. You're the one in fish pee," Kenji says again, careful to keep his distance from the water so I can't pull him in.

I just ignore him as I do a lazy backstroke. It's about 1:00 right now, so it's low tide. Recently, with the 5th year anniversary of the world's freedom from the Reestablishment coming up, we have all been more swamped than usual. Kenji had suggested we all take a day off, and I immediately recommended the beach as our destination. I do believe it was a great decision on my part.

I look around and watch as my friends partake in different activities. Brendon and Winston are sitting in beach chairs a little to the left of me, and Lily and Alia are doing the same to the right. Kenji and Ian are playing Volleyball about 20 feet away from me to the great distaste of Aaron who is sitting right next to them. He is topless and his abs are peeking above the waist of his swim trunks. He looks almost gold in the sun, his hair a rich shade of dirty blonde. He has a book in one hand and his other is resting on Peaches, rubbing methodically through his smooth fur.

I whistle and Peaches sits right up, to the surprise of Aaron, and bolts towards me, his leash dragging in the sand. He runs into the water, panting happily as he doggy paddles over to me.

"Oh, yesss. Who's a good boy?" I say in that one voice I always get when talking to dogs. "You are! Yes you are Peaches!" He ducks under the water and goes in between my legs, causing me to flip backwards into an incoming wave. I got pushed against the sand, and water ran down my throat, burning in my nose.

Peaches went under my stomach and pushed me above the water, where I saw Aaron running towards the water as fast as I have ever seen him run before. He practically dived into the ocean and scooped me up in his arms as I coughed up water.

"Love? Are you alright? Can you breathe?"
I nod my head in response, still coughing.
"Let's get you out of here."
I place my hand on his arm to stop him from carrying me out of the water.
"No. I'm glad you're here with me."
He smiles at me softly, his teeth like pearls and his lips soft and sculpted like waves.
I can compare anything to the ocean.

I run my hands through his hair, causing his head to get all wet. He doesn't seem to mind, though, because he pulls me in tighter to kiss me on the forehead. He looks up and down the length of my body. "You're so gorgeous. Like a siren."
I smile meekly, my cheeks red with embarrassment.

I am wearing a two-piece that shows way more skin than I am used to. It's black and is covered with a decorative, white flower-and-thorn design. Aaron picked it out. He said that he liked how it showed both sides of a story, just like me.

"Are you sure it's not showing too much?" I ask quietly, gesturing to my skimpy outfit.
He smiles and plants another kiss on my forehead.
"There could never be too much of you showing," he replies, whispering in my ear.
The sensation causes goosebumps to overtake my skin, making me shiver, which Aaron mistakes for me being cold.
"Come on, love. Let's get you out of this water."
I shake my head as I grab his hands and wrap them around my bare torso. His hands glide over my sides and down my hips until they eventually rest on my shoulders. The weight of his muscular arms feel nice as I sway with the movement of the water, almost like a waltz.

"What are you doing?" Aaron asks between laughs as he sways along with me.
I kiss him tenderly on the lips and he catches my chin in his grip. He looks into my eyes.

"Your eyes are like the ocean. They hold great secrets and wonders in their depths. That's what makes you so beautiful."
I melt in his words and in his embrace.

He can compare anything to the ocean.

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