Chapter 4 Flight Sheet

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KLM Flight 1237 from Beijing to Amsterdam. There were more than 20 Chinese faces on the plane, most of them were European passengers and people who came to Beijing for business trips. Everyone was surprised for a moment when they saw the captain.

Captain Lang Feng is a 100% Chinese face. He is the only Asian captain of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, and today is his first flight as captain. He didn't panic when he caught up with the tire problem. The exam and training content he had just consolidated before becoming the captain played a role at this moment. He asked the co-pilot to open the A330 quick reference manual inspection steps, and checked in order that the engine thrust and hydraulic instruments were normal, and the landing gear was not faulty. He knew it was lucky. It appears that only one tire on the left side is damaged. Of course, the notification from the control tower was that it was raining in time, otherwise, he would probably fly across the entire Eurasian continent with a damaged tire, and he would not be able to discover the problem until he landed. At that time, there would not be many options for alternate landing.

Fang Hao wished he could take KLM for two big circles over Daxing Airport. There was a lot of traffic at night, and the planes were constantly ups and downs within an hour and a half, so he kept reminding other planes that KLM was dumping fuel and vacating the altitude for him. However, he can't just be responsible for KLM. Even if there is an emergency, other flights at the airport still need to land. In the past half an hour, he has commanded more than 20 planes to enter and leave the field. Knowing that KLM had run out of fuel, he didn't dare to delay a minute to arrange for them to land on the runway that had just been vacated, and at the same time commanded two fire trucks to go there. The loss of one tire is not a major accident, but other tires may bear more load. In case of any unexpected situation, you must be fully prepared.

At this time, the ground also called to inform him: "Brother Fang, the 17 left runway has been inspected, and there are no missing people." Fang Hao called to inform the higher-ups, and reopened the 17 left runway after getting approval. He has also encountered parts and iron pieces falling off after a tire blowout in the control tower in the past few years. Regardless of the small iron bars, Air France's Concorde plane was pressed against the iron bars that fell from the front DC-10 hood when it took off at high speed, causing the tires to burst and the engine to catch fire. It crashed on the spot and all crew members died. Anyone who has been in the aerospace industry for a long time knows that the seemingly small things need more attention.

After KLM landed steadily, the ground crew immediately checked the condition of the tires, and after receiving an affirmative answer, the crew began to disembark the passengers. At this time, the sound of KLM flying was heard on the radio waves. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be very standard Chinese: "KLM 1237, thank you for commanding today, give me your name, I will treat you to dinner when I have a chance." You know what you're doing at first glance.

Fang Hao was slightly surprised. He had heard of Lang Feng, so he was the only one who ruled out the possibility of a foreigner with super fluent Chinese, and he was considered a small celebrity in the aviation circle. After all, it is really eye-catching to be handsome and have an Asian face to fly to KLM.

Fang Hao waited for a long time and said: "'re being polite, it's what we should do." He has never been good at accepting praise, and it is rare for someone to thank him so sincerely in the channel, so he thought for a long time before replying.

"Well, it's hard to say in the frequency, I'll come to you some other day." The voice of KLM flight sounded a lot more relaxed.

Because of this incident, he delayed his shift for more than an hour-today he came to replace the shift of another senior controller, Lu Yan. I'm not used to it. He tidied up the table and planned to tell Wang Zhanbo what he had learned, and then he was ready to go home.

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