Chapter 24 Regret

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It was past eight o'clock after arriving at Lijing. Chen Jiayu turned on his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway, and then called home as usual. Normally, either Chen Zheng or the nurse Xiao Zhao would pick up the call, but no one picked up the call after he called twice. This was indeed a bit unusual, so he parked the car in the community without even taking off the flight case. First of all, I decided to go to my parents' house for a visit. Recently, his mother, Cao Hui, has just started a new course of treatment, and the side effects are much greater than before. His father said that he spends most of the day sleeping.

Fortunately, as soon as Chen Jiayu entered the door, he saw the dim light in his mother's bedroom. His father was not there, and Cao Hui was lying alone on the bed. The evening news was playing on the TV, but the sound was very low, and it seemed that no one was listening.

"Mom, I'm back," he called softly, "Where's dad?"

Cao Hui glanced at him, her mood became a little higher, she forced a smile and said that her father had gone to a gathering with his comrades.

Hearing this, Chen Jiayu frowned: "I went out again late at night, I guess I'm going to drink again."

Cao Hui also sighed and said, "Xiao Zhao drove him back, so he should be fine."

Chen Jiayu immediately said: "I'll call Xiao Zhao and ask."

Cao Hui didn't respond, but Chen Jiayu walked to the living room and dialed a number he knew well by heart. Xiao Zhao has always been reliable. He picked up after beeping twice and told Chen Jiayu that he was guarding Mr. Chen outside a hotel in Xicheng. As soon as the guarantor came out, he would invite him to the car. After Chen Jiayu thanked him, he hung up the phone.

"Dad shouldn't leave you alone at home like this. I'll talk to him tonight." He comforted Cao Hui.

Cao Hui sighed and said, "It's useless to talk. Then you two will argue again." She glanced at the TV and then met Chen Jiayu's eyes: "Maybe your dad will feel bored if you stay by my side every day."

Chen Jiayu's frown deepened: "Don't say that." Since Cao Hui was diagnosed, Chen Zheng has not been in a good mood. He often smokes and drinks alone, which is very uncomfortable. If Xiao Zhao hadn't been taking care of him, Chen Jiayu would have died of exhaustion just by being distracted by his father. However, it was a small matter that he was tired. He hoped that her mother could live happily and freely for the rest of her life and that his father could reconcile with this matter. But Chen Jiayu asked himself, but he didn't know whether what Chen cared about was how his mother was doing, or whether he cared about the appearance of a sound family, a young and beautiful wife, and a successful son's career. He has been trying hard to convince himself that it is the former, but things and details keep popping up to tell him that he cannot ignore the role of the latter.

Cao Hui didn't speak, she just patted the stool next to the bed and motioned for Chen Jiayu to come over and sit down, and then looked at him silently for a while.

She didn't seem to be in a high mood, almost all her hair had fallen out, and her whole body was very thin from face to body. This change did not happen overnight, but Chen Jiayu felt that she was particularly haggard today, perhaps due to her state of mind.

Chen Jiayu saw that she was worried and said, "What's wrong, Mom."

Cao Hui didn't speak at first, just turned her head and looked out the window at the night. After a while, as if she suddenly made up her mind, she said quietly but firmly: "Actually, I always say that I have no regrets in this life, but I still have regrets."

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