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All flashbacks are italicized and current events are not. Whole story is in Draco's pov.

"Draco!" I heard call from the bathroom and I got up and went there. I saw my wife standing there, holding a stick in her hand, "Honey, it's positive! I'm pregnant! Probably around a month and half!"

She handed it to me and I saw the two red lines, positive.

"Draco!" She called from the bathroom, sounding scared. I jumped up and ran there to see my girlfriend staring at something in her hands. She looked up at me, tears running down her face, "I-it's positive. I'm p-pregnant."

She handed me the stick and I looked at it, two red lines. Positive. A baby.

I dropped the stick on the counter and hugged her. Her body tensed and she pulled back, "You aren't mad?"

"Course not, a baby! It's amazing sweetie!" I smiled, kissing her lips.

"Draco? Draco?" Her voice snapped me out of my memory. I looked up at her, "Great. A baby!" But my words were empty, did I really want a baby?

Time skip - first checkup, few weeks later

I was sitting on the bed next to her, holding her hand and staring at my lap.

"Draco! That's our baby! Isn't is so cute?!" She squealed and I finally looked up. I saw the small white thing on the screen and a tear fell from my eye.

I was sitting on the chair watching her pace around.

"What if something's wrong Draco?" She asked for the millionth time that day. I stood up and hugged her, "Everything will be fine. Now sit down, it's not good for the baby for you to worry." I led her to the bed and she reluctantly sat. Then the healer came in and said a few things before rubbing some gel on her stomach. I looked at her teary face and watched as the first tear escapes, then I looked at the screen and let my own tears flow. There it was, our baby.

"It's so tiny...and so cute Draco. And more importantly, it's our baby!" She murmured, rubbing a part of her stomach without the gel. I kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Draco? Isn't it cute?! I love it so much already! Can't wait for it to be born!!"

What if it wasn't born or worse, born dead, I thought but I couldn't say it aloud. It hurt too much.

Time skip - almost three months pregnant

One night, as we were sitting on the couch, watching a show, my wife got up and ran to the bathroom. I stayed there but heard a retching sound and her calling for me. I was tempted to stay here but she sounded just like her, so I went. There she was, my wife, leaning over the toilet, emptying her food into it. Knowing what to do, I took a napkin and quickly wet it. Then I walked over to her and wiped her sweaty forehead while holding back her hair.

We were sitting at the table, eating dinner, when she got up and ran to the loo. I followed her and saw her leaning over the toilet, vomiting. My body moved automatically, grabbing a napkin and wetting it before walking over to her and holding her hair back while wiping her forehead.

"Sorry, morning sickness. Isn't even morning!" She said, looking up at me with teary eyes and I had to stifle a laugh. She glared at me and I just kissed her forehead.

"Don't know why they call it morning sickness, not even morning!" She said and the statement that last time had made me laugh now made me cry. I couldn't stop it, the tears started and I leaned against the wall, sobbing. She was back to throwing up again but I was shaking too much to help. I watched and through my blurry vision, they both looked the same. But I only loved one of them, and my wife wasn't her.

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