Hello there~

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   The day went by, with other people coming and having a chat with them. Soon it was the end of their day of work.

"Man- ," You stretched her arms, and looks at max,"What a day... ya know I think I'm going to give some treats to the person in the middle house okay?" Max looks at your with a surprise face but smiles kindly and says, "Okay, I will be here to close up, just remember to leave the treats at the door step, okay?" He says seriously. "I will don't worry!" You gather some treats on a tray. Max waves good bye and so do you as you leave the door.

You walk and go to the house in the middle. You wave at the house and puts the treats on the floor and knocks on the door, she turns to lea-
"Hello there (Y/N)..." You stop in your tracks. Who said that? Your turn around and sees person at the window. He was wearing a red robe and his eyes.... they were pink with swirls going around in it. His hands were pressed against the window.

The only thing separating them.

     "My name is Wally~ And let me say the treats yesterday was delicious~ And are those more for me at the doorstep?" His voice was smooth and slightly tired. "Yea they are... but I'm not supposed to talk to you though, Max and everyone here told me not to." He looks down and starts to cry a bit "Oh won't you please stay here and talk to me, please..." he looks so desperate for someone to talk to. You look back at your house and back at him. He pressed himself a bit more against the window, looking at you with a hopeful gaze.

  "I guess I can stay here a bit with you" you say uncertain. He smiles widely," Oh that's wonderful! It gets so lonely sometimes, yes I have home but still I like to see the people I talk to not just talk to the air."

Wait who?

"Who's home?" You ask, suddenly you hear a loud creak and the curtains inside moves side to side, like a little wave... "This house is home, and home says hi!" Wally says admiring your surprise face. "Oh that what that is! That's so cool!" You smile as your look at the eyes of home.

Home opens the front door and moves the ray inside and shuts its. You hear Wally walk I've rand grab the tray. He shows back at the window now with the tray of treats. "Which one is your favorite on this tray?" He ask. You look at the tray and point to your favorite. "(F/treat/candy) is my favorite! When I was younger I would get that at the store and eat it all up before the day is over!" You smile as you remember that memory.

He looks at the tray and picks it up and eats it. "Well I think it also tastes wonderful~" He lays his hands on the railing of the window and sits his head on them and looks at you with admiration and love. "I'm glad you like it! Anyways I have to get going or else my friend will get worried. Bye!" You sit up to leave but Wally banged his hands against the window, home creaked of pain.

"NO, please don't go! This is the most fun I had in a long while.... please.... don't go..." He pleaded. You jumped from the loud noise and look at him. He had his hands in fists against the window, his eyes are wide and has tears in them. His eyes changed too.. they were more red and have a broken heart in it then pink with the swirls. "I'm sorry Wally," he shivers when you said his name,"I have to go, I wasn't even supposed to talk to you in the first place." You say sadly and think for a moment and then say "If I have time I can come back tomorrow?"

Wally looked like he was about to say something else but stop and smiles his eyes turned back to what they were before. "Okay~ I guess I can wait that long~ Just let me talk to you when you answer phone this time okay?" He says and tells home to close the blinds and they did.

You stared at the window with a shocked expression. *He was the one who called? But how?* You turn around and walk away the expression leaving your face.

*With Max*

"Where are they?" He was pacing back and forth in the living room. "Do I have to go out there and find they? What if they got hurt! What if they got kidnapped?! What if-" he was interrupted by you opening the door. "What if they're right here?," you say smiling,"No need to search,Max I'm right here." He looks at you and says,"Where were you? It like-" he checks the clock,"8:00 at night!" Oops you stayed out too long.

"Well I'm here now so I'm gonna go to bed, okay?" He looks at you with a worried face and comes up and hugs you. Your surprised at this as he doesn't really do this often. Since you both have grown up. "Just be careful okay? I don't want you disappearing on me." You look at him with a calm smile. "Don't worry I'll never disappear!" He lets go and you go upstairs and do you nightly things and lay down and you drift off you sleep.




You get up and go downstairs. The phone was ringing again. This time you answered it.

"Oh good! You answered it and your letting me talk~!" It was Wally! "Why's re you calling me at such a late hour?" You ask, tiling your head. He laughs a bit, "You know~ You look so adorable when you tilt your head like that~" You freeze in place, your mouth opened. How does he know your doing that. He laughs some more. "Awww~ Did i surprise you my love~? I can't wait for you to be in my arms~" You had enough and slam the phone down. You get back upstairs and lay down. This time you had a dream...

It was about him...

HOly MOLY. Thanks for reading this chapter! And also thanks to those you have read this so far! I have 16 reads so far and I'm happy! If you have any questions or ideas or comments please just type it in the comment section!


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