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HEY OH PEOPLE! Another chapter has been made this might be short because well it's nearing the end and I wanted to get this out so.... Yea. Enjoy reading! (Do anyone read these?) I don't know...

Maxwells's pov: 

It is the evening and me and the others are in my house at the dining room. "Okay so how how did spying go Julie?" She jumped up and down,

"Oh it want wonderful no one saw me! One thing was off though... well actually many thing but home didn't seem to be...awake? And one of his window is broken but it's boarded up tight. Also! (Y/N) we're wearing clothes Wally used to wear. It looked adorable on them!" 

  "Well I bet they look just like Wally, huh?." Said Barnaby.

 "I bet they would have, even with their height, they would have looked just like Wally." Said Howdy.

  Eddie looks at Frank, "Do you this (Y/N) is okay? I don't want them to get hurt, I seen them as a sibling." (Remember you been in this neighborhood for quite some time now so obviously you would have spend some time with the other neighbors.)

 As they were talking, I am confused on why Wally would board up the window, maybe to keep you from getting out? Also you were wearing his clothes? His old clothes? Maybe... there's a way to turn him back to normal... I shook my head, getting back to the point. "What were Wally and (Y/N) doing?" I ask.

"Well they did normal things. They ate and painted the rest of the day," she explained. "But... something is wrong with (Y/N)... their eyes would turn pink sometimes, it would be very faint but you could see it if you look hard enough."

  "NO! UGH!" He throws a chair at the wall and it breaks, scaring everyone. "S-sorry... it's just...I'm stressed.... Sorry..." He pause. "I'm just upset that Wally is getting to them, and uh..Look I need to explain what I am first." Everyone is confused on why he said that. Poppy spoke up. 

"It's okay. What ever you need to say just say it." She says calmly and softly to Max. He sighed and changed his form into his guardian form. Everyone gasped. Julie is jumping up and down in excitement. Frank, Eddie, Howdy, and Barnaby has their mouths opened wide. Poppy covers her beak with her hands (?)

 "OMG AN ANGEL! AHHHHH-!" Julie shouted but then Poppy covered her mouth with her hands (?)

 "Shush little seed, you'll wake someone up like Wally or (Y/n).

 "I'm not an angel per say... I'm a guardian and my task is to protect (Y/n) but... I failed at that." He said sadly.  "But hopefully (Y/n) will keep that necklace on."

 Frank speaks, "And why is that Max?" He asks. Everyone else is also wondering.

"Well the necklace is like a tracker for me or to let me know how they are like their vitals and heart rate." He explained. Everyone 'Oh'ed at that. "Okay let's get to business." Max then starts to explain what to do.  "So from what I know is that Wally infected with something that makes him act this way. If I use my healing powers maybe I can heal him to be back to normal." Everyone gleamed with joy. Well everyone except Frank. He has a glare on his face.

"And why didn't you used this power before? If you would have used it before NONE of this would have happened." Frank said, upset at Max. 

"If I used my powers soon it wouldn't be enough. I need Wally to be in a vulnerable state for me to do it. And since Wally has (Y/n), this could be it. If Wally pays more attention and whatever power he might use on them this could be it." Max says. "As long of they keep the necklace on everything will be-" he cut off as he feels a sting in his chest and groaned, putting one of his hands on his chest.

"Oh goodness! Max are you okay?!" Poppy says frantically.

  "That bastard broken the necklace. He did it last night and it didn't hit me until now." Max says, unease at this. Was he losing his senses? Full of rage he walk away from everyone, ignoring their pleads, into their basement where a training room is. He punch a punching bag and it exploded with... whatever in a punching bag.

 "Wally you better watch out, 'cause we're coming for ya. I'll heal you from that sickness you have."


Hero! Guys! Sorry if this chapter was short I just wanted to get it out so I can  and be done. I might do another short but I don't know which one. I have an idea for LMK with the pictures I have on her if you seen the last one. Or I might do something else but I don't know what.... AHHHHHHHHHH- ALSO THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING THIS BOOK. I did not expect this story to have so many reads. THANK YO- 

The writer have been hit by a frying pan, they are now unconscious. (Anyone get the reference?)

"Ugh finally... I thought they never shut up..." the person puts their attention on you. "Well hello my dear readers~ I can't wait to see you again~ also don't hope for anything NSWF  the writer isn't comfortable with writing stuff like that. Sorry if this disappointed anyone but wouldn't have been obvious cause there's no 'mature' sign? Anyways have fun~"  they then proceeded to drag the writer away.

Words: 925

Come here my love~ ( Lovesick Wally x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon