Shopping then sleeping.

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    Hello! Author here! And I just want to say that I am close to have 1,000 reads! And I am very happy about that! I will try to keep making chapters because ya know school and all that. Also picture.  


   Eventually you and Max made it to Howdy's shop and walked in. A small ding was heard, signifying that customers entered. You look around the store since you haven't really been here a lot because Max was usually the one to get the food. Speaking of Max he said hello to Howdy, that's in the back right now. Max grab a basket and started to walk around the store gathering the food and other items from the shelf's. It was a nice size place with anything you really need. Like a convenient store or gas station.

  Speaking of gas station, I haven't seen any cars besides ours. Do they walk to town? You questioned in your head. You don't really like running or anything that evolves exercise. Walking is fine but walking that far? Man... these guys must have some strong legs. You shake your head and greet Howdy. "Hey Howdy! How have you been?" Howdy, who was walking out of the back, greeted you back. "Howdy, (Y/N)! I been doing great, how about you?"

 You sighed, you were okay, you just needed more sleep. I'm pretty sure you have bags under your eyes. "I'm okay, uh... do you have anything that will help me sleep?" 

   Howdy looks at you worried. "Having a hard time sleeping?And don't try to deny it because I can tell from your bags under your eyes." Your cheeks got a bit red, embarrassed. "Yeah, something like that. Anything that can help me?" Howdy walks around the counter and goes into one of the aisles and grabs a tea box, sleeping tea.

 "This should help, I used it sometimes for myself and it works like a charm," He exclaimed, he must really liked this tea brand. "If you want something else I recommend you go to Frank, he is a tea expert." He smiles and put it on the counter as he walks around it. Max also came back with two basket full of food and items.

 "Holy bloody L! Do we really buy that much stuff?" Max looks at you deadpanning.

  "Yes. We do." He says in a monotone tone. He hands the basket to Howdy. He started to scan the items. "So did you get anything you want or did you just talk to Howdy?" 

  You look at Max with a grin, "Why of course I did get something! I got sleeping tea since I can't get enough sleep." 

  Max rolled his eyes, "Not that problem again! I thought we got rid of it!" He groaned. This sleeping problem is annoying either I can't sleep sooner or I wake up to early, like today. You sigh and watch Howdy scan. He was almost done since he has like 4 arms. You start to daydream about how it would be if you had four arms. As you were daydreaming Max and Howdy were talking to each other. When they both realized you weren't talk they look at you worried. Max shakes you,"Are you okay (Y/N)? You haven't talked in a while." 

  You jerked when he shake you. "I-im fine! I was just day dreaming that's all." Max looks at you with a frown. "Okay then... just try not to do that again, we were worried." He says and asks Howdy how much. Howdy says the price and Max gives him the money. You grab bags and so did Max. Though you have a bit more bags then Max. You both say goodbye to Howdy and left for home.


    Wally walked out of the shower, feeling refreshed, in a bath robe. The one he has been wearing often when he sees his love. Wally, with the help of home, have gotten rid of the body. He is glad that  Sally is now gone. He never was really fond of her before this "sickness." 

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