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Couple days later

The only reason I didn't quit from that job was for one reason, the whole company was invited to the wedding. I of course was waiting for the invitation, I hoped they would love my presence there only for the last part of course.

This Weeknd " I see"

Made sure I wasn't busy and cleared my whole schedule, they say don't wear white on someone's wedding well that tule didn't comply to me I purposely wrote white

It seemed more mandatory than optional to go to the wedding, yena would let me know when it was time. They left the door wide open for me to walk done like the queen I was.

Preist- before the I dos is there anyone who doesn't approve of this marriage say it one day it tw-

Y/n- me!

Everyone turned around and stared at me like I was some crazy lady, I locked eyes with dae and my heart dropped to the lowest it could even go. Seeing him standing next to some girl getting married was something I hated seeing and I felt jealous but it was my revenge era.

Bride- We don't know her get her out of here NOW

Dae just stood there watching me as I tried so hard not to cry, " she stole him from me, dae and I were happy together he's forced into everything" my mouth couldn't do anything else but feel bad for him and defend him

Dae- security get her out of here she's an outsider ruining our special!

My eyes widened as I couldn't process what he just had said, the people who got real upset were his parents JSUT because this was all being done live.

Maybe the whole world saw a fool I am for defending the wrong person. Maybe he wasn't the one I should've spent my time with.

Days later

The lease of the apartment had come to an end so everything that was mine I took my my parents house and just moved back in.

They supported me through everything me and my friends getting back our jobs and I maybe seeking happiness again.

I felt happiness everytime I was around Jake, he was the one to put a smile in my face and make me feel good about everything, he suddenly became my bestfriend that I thought I once had.

I still thought about dae but he slowly left my mind each day and minute, my heart was getting healed again by the right person.

?? Pov

?- she made you both look likes fools, she's the one receiving the support. All the backlash our families name has received in your company. There's only one way to do this take what's precious to her now.

Back to y/n pov

Me and jake we're walking the cherry blossom tree and just how it had bloomed, it was broad daylight and the fresh air made things even better.

Jake- I love how much time we've spent together lately honestly it should've been like this since the beginning
Y/n- i was blindly in love but you've opened my eyes I may be still healing but I've forgotten all those thoughts, I've made memories with you
Jake- it's okay if you say no but would you like to be my girl-


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