Chapter Two

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Things are different today. Telling Ro, admitting it out loud, has made it real. Walking into my first class of the day, I feel like everyone is looking at me even if, logically, I know they aren't. I know it's not a bad thing. I've accepted it. But I'm not ready to tell people. I'm not even sure I'm ready to act on it.

I head for my seat determined to act normal. It's just another day. Same as all the ones before it. I repeat the mantra over and over in my head until the chair next to mine is filled, and suddenly I can't breathe.

"Hey, Miles."

I startle, and my chemistry partner laughs. "Someone's jumpy today."

I take a breath and brace for the smile that's about to hit me. It's just another day. Same as always. I turn to face my lab partner, and sure enough, his perfect smile and friendly eyes sock me in the gut. Jayden Cox. He's the best-looking guy in school. He's almost as tall as me and has even more muscle. He's got short dark hair and warm hazel-brown eyes that are always smiling.

I haven't known him long. We've had classes together throughout high school, but this year we were paired as partners, and it's the first time we've ever talked. It's been difficult. I've been attracted to guys before, but this is different. It's more than attraction. He's my first real crush.

I force myself to speak to him. "I just have a lot on my mind today."

We take our Chemistry books and notebooks out. Mr. Radford has a few chemical equations for us to solve for bell work.

"Anything you want to get off your chest?"

He asks the question so casually as he's copying down the equations, but it skyrockets my pulse. Luckily, his attention is focused on his notebook, or he'd see my blush. If he only knew.

"Nah, it's all right. I'm just being dramatic." I need to change the subject. "How are you? How's football?"

I cringe and quickly start on my equations. How are you? How's football? Could I be any lamer?

Jayden shrugs, unbothered by my awkward questions. "Eh. The team's not great this year."

"That's sucks. Sorry."

"It's all right. I'm kind of okay with it. Less pressure when we're not contending for the title. Luke's bummed though."

It takes me a minute to place the name. Luke must be the guy Jayden's always with. "He's the quarterback?"

"Yeah. He's hoping to play somewhere next year. It'll be a lot harder for him to get a scholarship since we suck."

"You don't suck. Didn't you have the record for most touchdowns in the division last year?"

I clamp my mouth shut, wishing I could take the words back. Why not just admit that you stalk him?

Jayden, already finished with his bell work, looks at me. His brows are high up on his forehead. "Yeah." His mouth quirks up into the tiniest smile, and my pulse spikes again. "You follow the games?"

I shrug and go back to my equations, trying to play it off. "Who doesn't?" I don't need to tell him that I've been to every home game this year and last just to see him play.

"Well, thanks," he says. "I always try to do my best because the more passes I catch, the better it makes Luke look, and he needs the help considering our defense is so terrible. What about you? How's the swim team looking this year?"

He knows I'm on the swim team? I didn't think he paid that much attention to me. We're friendly in class, but we aren't exactly friends. I tamp down my excitement. It doesn't mean anything. He's not gay. Still, my stomach flutters knowing he's aware of me. "We're doing pretty good this year. I doubt we'll be heading to state or anything, but we'll have a winning season. I'm like you, though. I like that there's not a lot of pressure. I'm not a die hard. I just like the sport."

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