Chapter Thirteen

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Belinda gave a shriek and rushed forward before Myrtle stopped her by grabbing her arm. "It's a crime scene, dear."

Miles gingerly stepped forward to put a finger where Nash's pulse should be. After a few moments, he shook his head.

Belinda sobbed. "Nash."

Myrtle frowned, staring at the scene. "The weapon is that piece of wood."

"A yule log," said Belinda through her sobs. "Nash had a yule log. He said it was a family tradition."

Miles said, "Myrtle, we should call Red."

Myrtle gave a blustery sigh. "I suppose."

"And go outside," said Miles in a rather insistent voice. He was never fond of proximity to bodies and seemed to find himself in situations where they were frequently littered around.

She pulled her phone from her tremendous purse and slowly followed Miles and Belinda outside.

Red answered immediately. "Mama? You all right? You didn't take a fall or anything?"

"I certainly haven't done any such thing. I'm just being a good citizen and calling to report an issue."

Red sighed. "What did Erma do now?"

"As a matter-of-fact, I'm certain Erma's light displays violate town ordinances. There are far too many lights, they're far too bright, and they're on far too late at night. You should know all of this, considering the fact you're directly across the street from her."

Red's voice was grating on the other end. "Mama, I'm busy."

"I'm busy too. I've just discovered Nash Moore's body."


"That's right," said Myrtle with a sniff. "Nash is at home. I suggest you come here post-haste." She hung up.

Belinda was something of a mess. She was shivering and crying and looking as if she might fall over at any moment.

"Perhaps we should move Belinda to my car," said Miles with concern.

"Where's Belinda's car?" asked Myrtle.

Belinda wiped away some of the tears so she could see Myrtle. "I walked over. I thought if Nash saw my car, he wouldn't open the door. But he wasn't going to open the door, anyway."

A fresh bout of tears began, and Myrtle hastily located some tissues from her purse and thrust them at Belinda. She needed to ask Belinda a few questions while she was off-balance and before Red got there and ruined everything.

"Belinda, you'll be all right. Let's have a seat here on the front steps."

Belinda kept sobbing.

Myrtle said sternly, "Settle down, now. You're upsetting Miles."

Miles, who'd been absently listening to the far-off squeal of a siren, blinked in surprise at his name being mentioned.

Belinda, not wanting to be the reason to upset an elderly man, quickly pulled herself together.

"Now, Red is probably going to ask you some questions, considering the circumstances," said Myrtle in a calm voice. "Perhaps it would be a good idea to run through exactly what you're planning on telling him before he arrives."

She cut right to the chase because the siren was getting closer, although it was still fairly far away.

Belinda's teary eyes were open wide. "You think he's going to think I had something to do with Nash's death? But I loved him!"

A Myrtle Clover ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now