Chapter Eighteen

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Wanda was waiting for Myrtle. She had her new, second-hand tennis shoes on and had a gap-toothed grin on her face.

"We gonna walk?" she asked.

Myrtle said, "As I've said before, having a psychic around is most convenient. A walk sounds fantastic and will prevent me from falling into a food coma. Let me change from my funeral clothes."

A few minutes later, garbed in slacks and a cotton blouse, Myrtle joined up with Wanda, and they set out on their walk.

"Where to?" asked Wanda.

"Well, usually I go in the opposite direction of Erma's house. I'm always terrified she's going to see me walking from her window and sprint out to join me. So let's head this way."

They set out through the neighborhood. Wanda was the perfect person to walk with. She didn't run her mouth a lot, and she was very interested in all the little observations Myrtle had about the houses and neighbors along the way, which pleased Myrtle.

One house they passed belonged to Georgia Simpson. On the outside, Georgia's house appeared perfectly normal. On the inside, Georgia had decorated it very eclectically. She was a huge fan of browsing garage sales and flea markets and her house clearly reflected that hobby. Myrtle particularly remembered Georgia had once picked up a casket that had been built but then had somehow gone unused and had turned it into a coffee table. She also had a collection of angels that she was very proud of.

Today, Georgia wasn't at a flea market or garage sale, but in her yard. Georgia made quite a picture with her big hair that was sprayed into submission and her tattoos covering her arms and legs as she battled some apparently tenacious weeds in one of her beds.

She spotted Wanda and Myrtle and raised a hand in greeting. As she walked over, Myrtle saw Georgia's tee shirt sported a rather rude saying. Myrtle graciously ignored it.

"Well, hi there, girls," said Georgia in her booming voice. "Getting a little exercise?"

Myrtle said, "We're just stretching our legs a bit. I think you're getting more exercise."

Georgia shot an exasperated look at the garden bed. "I'll say. I don't know what those weeds are, but they're really brawling with me." She grinned at Wanda, "Hey, I didn't know you lived around here. That's really cool. Maybe we'll all see you out and about more."

Wanda drawled, "Ain't livin' here . . . jest visitin' Myrtle a while."

"I thought it might be more fun to have Wanda stay with me for Christmas since her brother is out of town," said Myrtle. "Do you have plans for Christmas?"

"Do I? I sure do. I'm going gambling at that casino in Cherokee. It's going to be a blast." Georgia's mascara-encrusted eyes opened wide as she had a thought. "Hey, want to come along? It would be something totally different for you."

Myrtle hastily said, "Thanks, but I'll be spending time with Red and family."

Georgia nodded. "Of course you are. I didn't think about it. I don't have any family I keep in touch with, so it never comes to mind. What about you, Wanda?" Her eyes gleamed. "I think you and I could make for quite a winning team at the casino."

"I think yer winnin' plenty as it is."

Georgia guffawed. "You're right about that. It depends on what games I play, of course. I make sure I don't play the ones that I have the worst luck at. Unlike some people."

Wanda looked over at Myrtle as if she knew who Georgia might be referring to. But Myrtle didn't, so she asked, "Was there somebody we know who likes to gamble?"

A Myrtle Clover ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now