Chapter 2

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Draco is sitting in his car with the window rolled down, his seat pushed back as he closes his eyes and thinks to himself, hand hovering in the air. He had demons inside, always fighting his instinct – when I was embracing mine. But to be fair, Reds were very, very different to Silvers. His kind were inclined to evil, but when they were in control, they could be... tolerated.

"Hey, sweetie pie!" Fiona stops by his window first, her heels wobbling on the thick cobblestoned carpark of the Gypsy Love diner, "Happy birthday!"

Draco opens his ruby red eyes, with hints of earth, reflecting his ability to think quietly and deeply while there was hell around him. That's how he described home life with mobsters, hell.

We were his heaven.

"Happy birthday, Draco," I lean into the window next to Fiona as I grab his tie and look at the material Fiona kept bragging about, a silvery black. I see the sparkles, "You're right, it's weaved by a mage for luck. Very special."

Draco hasn't said anything, he's stunned. I look at him curiously to see him staring at our dresses in shock.

"What's this for?" Draco slowly grins, "You're both beautiful," he keeps it at that, awkward with complimenting women. I step back and Fiona yanks at his door, but it won't open, "Careful, Penny. You'll break it."

"Grr," Fiona tries to look angry.

Her full name was Fiona Penelope Moss.

It's why Draco called her Penny every now and then. She hated the nickname, even though Draco and I both knew she loved it secretly. She always smiled when she heard it, then faked her anger.

Draco rolls up the full tinted window and jumps out of his sports car, which was scratched up and the tyres need replacing. But he'd only ruin them instantly if he got new ones. He drove madly. No breaks. At least it certainly didn't feel like it, so Fiona and I avoided car rides with him.

But walking on his arm? That's a safe activity.

I take one elbow and Draco slips his other arm around Fiona's waist, as we walk into the diner together.

It was actually the fanciest restaurant in the Riverbeds. It was 5 stars, and it was completely separate from the main town. On the outskirts, near the National Park.

It was Draco's choice, and we all fell in love with it as a place to get away. We always came here, once every fortnight as a tradition. Or for birthdays.

Inside, Fiona directs us to our favourite table she booked overlooking a little courtyard covered in fairy lights.

Draco slides into the booth and I slip in on the other side, while Fiona looks at me wantonly, before choosing Draco.

She sits next to him.

Draco grins handsomely at his favourite waitress – who was serving her favourite guest.

"The usual?" Diane asks for all of us. I nod, Fiona nods, and Draco pauses.

"Actually, add on the Mountain this time, we're all sharing," he licks his lips at the thought.

Diane nods, twirls and walks away, swaying her hips, but Draco immediately looks to us for our approval.

"You always wanted to try it, ten scoops, every flavour," he mentions, "Tonight's the night – we cross that line."

"Damn it, Draco. It'll melt and get everywhere," Fiona mentions, "On our new outfits too."

She wasn't wrong. It was literally ten precarious scoops, on top of one another, in one cone. But...

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