Chapter 5

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That Night

Under the Ferris wheel lights, Draco was buying Fiona an ice cream to share between them.

I lingered back, my gaze focused on a particular corner of the local carnival.

Just behind the set up of the bumper-cars, I saw a strange flash in the air.

It was like a mirage in the summer heat, but I knew better.

It could be Storm... but... I don't know... I...

I have to take a closer look.

Our next stop was the haunted house, but I was going to check out this strange blur first.

I walk away from the Ferris wheel, tilting my head, as I walk down the middle of the dying grass from all the foot traffic.

I walk halfway there before I get a boom through me. A warning. The auras I sense off people are always in the normal range. But I get a spike of violent excitement, and I immediately pause, my heart racing.

Nothing and nobody scared me. But right now, that feeling rips right through me.

A form of danger I've never felt before.

When someone has an intention even I don't understand. Storm always said that's what evil was – a completely strange, irreparable terror that had no beginning, no end... it was just bad.

When you're being watched.

When –

"Hey," Fiona appears at my side, slipping her hand through mine, "This way, Evermore."

I turn to her and immediately I hear all the sounds once again. Kids screaming on their favourite rides, families taking pictures, kids begging for fairy floss, teens laughing together.

Fiona licks the vanilla ice cream, and I turn to see Red hanging back, waiting for us, and he is relaxed.

If Draco is calm, I can be too.

The fear leaves me, and I smile as I walk with Fiona back to Draco and then we head toward the haunted house.

Fiona offers me some of her ice cream but I shake my head, still thinking inward.

Draco notices my quiet focus but only watches me for a moment before he stares ahead at the haunted house and starts to look concerned.

Fiona starts to smile, "Don't worry. Draco. You have nothing to fear."

"Don't be so obvious," Draco growls under his breath, "I can tell you're planning something, Penny, I don't like it."

"Scaredy cat –"

"I'm not scared," Draco snarls venomously, he almost breathes fire, his eyes alight with a burning orange, before Fiona purses her lips and keeps her teasing contained.

"Fiona, go ahead of us, don't worry him," I egg her on, to get her a head start, so she can scare him properly.

I'm so excited for it.

I think of the laughter we'll all share at the end of it.

I am so in love with my two best friends, the world melts away like I'm living my own perfect fantasy. I don't care about anything.

Of course, caring is for adults.

It's hard to remember I am one – when we were in school a few months back. It's a strange transition, from minor responsibilities, to real world responsibility. You can't know what it means until you experience shit.

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