Ep.18 ★ Mugen train PT.2

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.the story line will be a... bit..jk its going to be a lot diffrent from the original story line. Sorryy
.also i will be doing more switch in pov's!
.dont mind some spelling errors!
.zentan .inotan .rentan .randomXtanjiro
Tanjiro's pov

Its.. cold..?
I opened my eyes to see a forest covered in fluffy looking snow.. Fresh snow landed on me. 'Why am i here... it looks to familer.' I scanned around the area ready incase of an attack.

There was silence... after a while i heard faint footsteps on the snow.. and a faint laughter
"Who's there." I snareled as i snapped my head towards the sound. "Oh! Hehe look brother is back!" ...
My sword hit the snow in an instant.

'I-it cant be..' my vision was blurred as my eyes filled with tears. "H-hanako..? Sh...shigeru..?" I stuttered as my emotions took control over me. "Hm? Whats wrong tanjiro!"...

Third person pov

Tanjiro's body shook... his hands trembled and his breathing quickened. Tanjiro's eyes were wide while tears trickled down his pale cheeks.
Without another word tanjiro ran across the white snow... leaving footprits behind him. Before leaping onto his siblings. "I-im s...sorry... please.. f-forgive me!" He cried as he tightly held his sibling in an embrace.

The two children looked at eachother in confusion as tanjiro wailed. "Big brother? Are you alright.." asked hanako in a worried tone. She patted tanjiro's back at an attempt to comfort him. "Y-yeah.. lets go home... what happened was probably a bad dream.." sniffled tanjiro who rose from the snow and smiled warmly at his siblings..
The two young children nodded and got up from the snow. They held tanjiro's hand then slowly began making their way back to their warm home.

Once they made it to the house
Hanako opened the door and the warmth instantly hit them like a brick. "Mom! Tanjiro is finally back!!" Yelled shigeru who was taking off his soaked boots. "Tanjiro... welcom back home!" Cheered the woman, she wore a heart warming smile on her face. She smiled as she approached Tanjiro slowly before stroking his head softly "im glad you made it back safe..." she spoke with relief in her voice. Tanjiro's eyes flooded with tears as he missed the warm sensation that his mother had. Before she noticed he wiped his tear floaded eyes and took of his soaked boots.

"Hanako, come set the dinner table alright? Since tanjiro might not feel well... we'll make his favorite food!" His mother smiled as she helped the young girl to the kitchen.

"No fair! I want my favorite food too!" Whined Takeo who layed on the floor. My siblings chattered and happily giggled with eachother... tanjiro just watched. He had never felt warmer than he did now, this.. this is how it should always be. "Dinner is ready!" The mom cheered as she brought various dishes to the table.

Tanjiro's pov
We all sat squished to the dinner table, we sat and looked over the food with our mouths drooling from the aroma coming from the spread of food my mother had prepared, this is how things are.. was all that a dream. No.. it wasnt.. so why does this all feel so real..
i bit my bottom lip slightly, i had no clue what was going on. I ran my hands over my body, pinching myself to see if i was dreaming.

"Tanjiro? Are you alright! Your not sick are you?!?" Cried nezuko. Who rushed over to me and placed a hand on my forehead. "Your pretty warm..." she mumbled worryingly. I smiled and looked back at her "im fine really.." i sighed.

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