The Heist of Destiny

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The morning light hadn't quite filtered through the curtains of her room as I stealthily climbed out of Lucy's window, my bare feet touching the cold rooftop of the hotel as I wrestled on my boots. The chance of being spotted made all the more unlikely given it was the first day of the week. Why had I left through the window? It seemed more discreet, given the nature of last night's... encounter.

As I made my way across the shingles, the weight of the vest against my right side felt different. Curiously, I reached into the pocket, my fingers grazing cold metal. Pulling them out, I was greeted by two shimmering cufflinks, exquisitely crafted. Silver, one cufflink depicted a right hand clutching the Ace of Spades playing card, and the other, a left hand grasping a Joker.

A set-up? I wondered. Why would Lucy plant these on me? Trust is a luxury in my world and one you never gamble on twice. I quickly made my way back to my room and stashed the cufflinks safely in a saddlebag. The weight of them, the potential danger they represented in leu of a man like Lucy's husband, prompted a decision: I needed to leave Calico.

However, destiny had other plans. A knock on my door revealed a young messenger holding an ornate invitation trimmed with gold-leaf. "You've been invited, sir," he said, handing it over before scurrying off, or receiving a tip.

The card was for a gamblers' tournament at the hotel. The invitation listed the best players in the region, including familiar names like Saltwater Slim and Mickey the Flop. Obviously, my play last night had caught someone's eye, but what else did they see. What caught my attention wasn't the names I knew, it was the unfamiliar ones: Everett Chronos, Athena Witsend, Amara Heartly, Leon Sterling and Jade Covett.

In the hum of the barbershop, I mulled over the invitation. The locals were familiar with most of the names, but similar to me, not the last five. The risk was high, but the opportunity was golden, priceless. I could win, return the cufflinks during the private game with Lucy's husband, and clear any suspicion from me. It was a gamble, but one I was willing to take.

As the day turned into evening, I donned my best suit and made my way to the tournament, the weight of fate, destiny, and a pair of silver cufflinks riding heavily on my shoulders and in my hands. 

The Gambler's Fate: Johnny LuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora