Tides Turn

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The gentle hum of conversation and shuffle of cards surrounded me as I took my seat across from Max. The weight of what I'd seen in the room pressed down on me. My mind racing to make sense of it all as I forced myself to look up at the man.  His dark eyes fixed on me unflinching and slowly blinking with unforgiveness locked behind them. Lucy stood beside him stroking his clean-shaven head; the man removing his hat and placing it on the table as the dealer ignored it. Gathering myself, tearing my eyes away from him, I grabbed a waitress and gave her my order. Downing two shots of whiskey, trying to drown the memory of celestial robes and stars, I centered my thoughts. It was just a trick, I told myself; taking another shot and starting to believe it.

Max offered me a knowing grin, probably thinking I was unnerved due to the drinking. But that smirk soon faded when Lucy leaned over and pressed her lips to his cheek. The subtle fragrance of her perfume reached me, awakening memories. Just as I was processing that, a similar sensation came from my right. It was Amara Heartly, her lips brushing my cheek in the same manner, only the dress she wore was a striking shade of red. The innocence of the woman had been wiped away as she stood a woman fully realized beside me. Her eyes gleamed mischievously as she brushed a tuff of hair off my forehead. I couldn't help but shoot a smile her way. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Max watching Lucy. Her face was a mask, revealing nothing. It had been him that had sent Amara to my room I now knew.

The dealer began his dance, distributing the cards. My opening hand was nothing short of a dream. The next couple of rounds only confirmed it. I was on a roll, my pile of chips steadily growing. The game was in my favor, and it looked as if victory was within my grasp.

But, as the game progressed, something shifted. The familiar warmth in my right hand diminished, as if a flame was being doused slowly. It unnerved me. That's when I noticed Max, caressing Lucy's arm and gaining the upper hand. With each card dealt, he seemed to anticipate the play, predicting moves like a seer. Was he really Fate, counting cards in a manner no human ever could? Surely, he had drugged me I reasoned thinking back to earlier, my rational mind making sense of it all. We went on, and slowly but steadily, the table turned. My pile diminished, while his grew. Every play, every move, he was a step ahead.

During a short break, Amara sidled up to me, concern evident in her eyes. "Do you think that will help."

Grabbing my shot glass, "It couldn't hurt," I say rising, feeling the effects taking hold.

"Maybe it's time to slow down?" she whispered, her fingers lightly touching mine.

But quitting wasn't in my nature. Finishing off my whiskey, ready to face whatever came next, I headed to the bar.  

The Gambler's Fate: Johnny LuckKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat