Preparations and Doubts

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The air of anticipation around me pressed mightily on my spirit. Bill Blackgate's men roamed the streets, their black outfits and deliberate strides making them look like predatory crows on the hunt. Every so often, one would glance up towards my window. They didn't know for sure, but their suspicion was evident. I watched, weapon in hand, weighing the odds of making a run for it.

Suddenly, a gentle knock on my door disrupted my thoughts. Heart pounding, I tucked my gun behind me and cautiously opened the door. To my astonishment, Amara Heartly stood there, a vision in white against the dim background of the hallway. Her sundress flowed, contrasting starkly with the gravity of the situation.

Her appearance surprised me, but what she carried was even more unexpected. "Lucy sent me," she began, handing me a sealed note, her fingers lingering on mine just a tad longer than necessary. Her voice was soft, almost a whisper, "She insisted I deliver this personally."

I gave her a quizzical look, my mind racing with questions. Why? Why her? Why not a simple messenger?

As I started to usher her out, she paused, her voice taking on a more serious tone, "She loves you, you know? It's written all over her. I see it, even if she hides it."

I looked into her eyes, seeking a trace of deceit, but found none. She leaned in slightly, her lips barely parting, "She told me about how you kissed her," Amara said, sounding pious. "I would like one too. One kiss. A simple, friendly kiss. Just so you can remember me too."

Hesitating only briefly, I leaned down to grant her request. The moment our lips touched, a rush of memories and sensations overwhelmed me. The softness, the taste, everything felt Lucy. I lost myself in that kiss, the world fading away.

When I finally opened my eyes, Amara was gone, and the room was bathed in the warm hues of the evening sun. The poker match was only a few hours away, and escape was no longer an option. I was cornered and would have to face the music. Meet Destiny head-on so to speak; armed with nothing but my wits and, hopefully, Lady Luck on my side. 

The Gambler's Fate: Johnny LuckWhere stories live. Discover now