Secrets and shopping

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Under the scorching sun of the late summer afternoon, Ron and Ginny Weasley found themselves ravenously hungry. The morning had slipped away in the narrow, dimly lit shelves of Ollivanders. Finally, they emerged after several long hours, eager to fill their growling stomachs with a hearty lunch.

Molly Weasley led the way to the familiar entrance of the Leaky Cauldron. The worn, creaking door swung open to reveal a bustling inn filled with witches and wizards from all walks of life. The tantalizing aroma of food wafted through the air, making Ron's stomach rumble even louder.

Their server promptly took their orders. Ron, a growing boy with a bottomless appetite, ordered a piping hot sandwich, a generous side of crisps, and, to satisfy his sweet tooth, a treacle tart for dessert. As they waited for their meals to arrive, the trio huddled together at their cozy table, deciding on their course of action. They had simply spent too much time at olivanders, and the weight of their incomplete shopping list hung over their heads like a looming storm cloud. Diagon Alley was vast, and there were still plenty of supplies to be procured.

"We've wasted too much time at Ollivanders," Molly mused, her brow furrowed in thought. "We need a plan to divide and conquer."

Ron, his mouth full of anticipation, nodded in agreement. "Right, Mum. I can go get my robes and the first-year books. I know the way to Madam Malkin's and Flourish and Blotts by heart."

Molly's eyes softened with pride as she looked at her youngest son. "You're so responsible, Ron. I trust you to handle it on your own."

Meanwhile, Ginny leaned in with an impish grin. "And I'll go with Mum to pick up your potions equipment and other school supplies, Ron. You know how much she loves shopping for cauldrons and ingredients." Ron chuckled, grateful for his mother's knack for finding the best deals. "That sounds perfect, Gin."

"Mom, can we make a quick stop at the sweet shop too? You know, for some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans." Ginny asked Molly pleadingly.

"We'll see dear, it depends on how long it takes" Molly replied.

With their strategy set, they enjoyed their meal, savoring every bite of their food and relishing the rare opportunity to relax together as a family. They discussed the upcoming school year and the challenges it might bring, but Ron's mind was preoccupied with a secret agenda of his own.

As he sipped on his pumpkin juice, Ron couldn't help but steal a glance at his family. Hogwarts was just six months away, and his thoughts were consumed by a topic rarely broached within the hallowed halls of the wizarding school: Occlumency.

Ron's determination to delve into the realm of occlumency had been brewing for months, quietly simmering beneath the surface of his daily life. The urgency of his quest had intensified as the departure for Hogwarts drew nearer, in just six short months.

He knew he couldn't delay any longer. The demanding regimen of training, studies, and his penchant for chess had left him with little free time until now. But occlumency was a skill he deemed essential, a shield against those who might seek to exploit his thoughts or emotions.

The problem was that occlumency was an obscure and poorly understood field. It was a subject that was rarely touched upon, and resources on it were scarce.

While his family believed he was heading to Madam Malkin's to buy the required uniform for his upcoming first year at Hogwarts, Ron's true destination lay elsewhere. His goal was to find two specific books that would provide him with the foundation he needed to start learning occlumency: "A Practical Guide to Counter Legilimency" and "An Advanced Guide to Occlumency."

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