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Standing in front of the school, Lisa was silly for a while.

It's time to go home after school, but she doesn't know where Lisa's home is in the book.

After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that Lisa's parents opened a small restaurant in front of the school. The conditions of Lisa's house are not very good. The storefront of this small restaurant should not be very large, and the passenger flow may also be average.

Lisa walked to the opposite side of the school, and ruled out a few large stores, and the business was very hot. Just after looking for two, she found the small restaurant of Lisa's parents.

It's really a "small" restaurant. The four tables are suffocating. The restaurant is dim and dim, with a strong flavor of food that exceeds the standard of MSG. As soon as Lisa stood at the door, a little white fat man came in behind him, squeezing Lisa aside without evasive, "What are you doing standing at the door, exhibition?" After finishing talking, she wandered in.

Lisa frowned and stared at the back of the little fat man's head for a long time, and then followed in.

This shop cooks some home-cooked dishes, and students order one rice and two dishes, just like in the cafeteria. This is when school is over. There are a lot of students in the small shop. Father Manobal is responsible for cooking and Mother Manobal is responsible for cooking the students. Lisa followed Yuan Manobal into the back kitchen. Father Manobal, who was standing and cooking, saw his baby son at a glance, his white and plump face turned into a flower with a smile, "Noona is over."

After taking her son to ask the question, it seemed that she had only seen Lisa. When she saw that Lisa didn't wince, she wouldn't even be able to help. Then she didn't know what Lisa wiped her pale face. Angrily, his father's smile disappeared suddenly.

"Why are you there? So many people in the store don't help, and having two eyes is for venting?"

Lisa glanced back. At this moment, the students should help a lot. After a few seconds of silence, she put down her schoolbag and went out to help her  mother plate.

Lisa didn't think there was any problem with this kind of work. In her previous life, she had done all these tasks to collect tuition fees for school.

Bringing out the fried dishes, and then taking back the finished plates, as soon as he entered, he saw Father Manobal quickly fry three dishes and put them in front of the little fat man Bambam Manobal.

Two meat and one vegetable, the dishes are clean, and the oily and greasy dishes sold to students are not of the same grade.

Lisa keeps money to buy lollipops for her classmates every day. She doesn't eat.... hungry like skinny ones. At this moment, she realized that she was hungry when she saw the meal. She was about to put down the plates and wash his hands to eat. Father Manobal looked at what she was doing. ,

"Wash your hands, wash your hands after you're done for a while, go out and check out your mom quickly," he turned around and looked lovingly, "My son, you eat first, dad will do it if you don't have enough."

-Lisa glanced at Father Manobal  with a heavy gaze, and then at Bambam who was eating .... He threw the plate in the sink, washed his hands, picked up the bag and left without looking back.

Her dad and Bambam who didn't react at all were left. After a while, her dad scolded angrily.

"You get me back, who are you going to shake your face? I'm not happy to make you work, right? You don't want to work, you don't know how to learn, and you don't know what the use is..."

Lisa went out with her schoolbag, and cut off her father's abuse from the eardrum.

She  felt it in her  pocket, still had five dollars. I went to the shop next to me and bought the cheapest and fullest bread. Sitting on a small stone stool not far from the meal, I took out a book and gnawed at the bread while reading.

Guide to raise a sick villain(liskook)(LK Adaptation)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora