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At the moment when the results were released, all the first grade in high school found that Eunwoo had failed to keep the first place in the grade and was squeezed to the second place by a girl named Lalisa.

Who is Lalisa?

Nobody knows.

But it didn't affect the students in other classes and sighed that someone actually pushed Eunwoo down, and not just one or two points, but nearly thirty points.

In the last monthly exam, Eunwoo beat the second grade by nearly 30 points.

Not everyone likes Eunwoo, at least Mingyu doesn't like him. Every day, people compare him with Eunwoo, saying that although he is handsome, he is not as good as Eunwoo.

Mingyu was very happy when Eunwoo was crushed into second place. He was even more happy when he saw the first name.

Fuck, this is the student he copied!

After experiencing the great ups and downs from despair to joy, after seeing Lisa's name, Mingyu suddenly gave birth to a sense of pride and closeness with honor.

In the other classroom, Tzuyu was also anxiously watching her grades.

Tzuyu did a good job, improved three places from last time, and ranked seventh in the class.

The higher the grade, the harder it is to improve. Tzuyu is still very satisfied with this ranking, and her mother agreed to buy her a mobile phone if she improves.

Tzuyu couldn't wait to run back to tell her mother about her grades.

After chatting with the girls next to her, she thought of Lisa.

She doesn't know how much Lisa took, maybe it's the lowest in the class.

She opened the campus network to find the transcript of Class 13, and pulled it straight to the end, looking at it from bottom to top, but I didn't find Lisa's name all the way.

Lisa didn't take the exam?

No, even if you don't participate, you will be placed in the rankings. Just like the wheelchair disability in Class 13, he was in the last place. All subjects got zero scores. At first glance, there was no exam.

Tzuyu frowned, and she was about to turn to the top twenty. She heard a few classmates sigh around her, "Fuck, Cha Eunwoo was crushed by thirty points, awesome."

"It seems that it is also in Class 13. Class 13 is really amazing."

Tzuyu was taken aback and pressed Eunwoo for thirty minutes?

Isn't Eunwoo the first?

"She is a girl, it seems she is called Lalisa. I will go down to do exercises later, and see who it is."

A bunch of people agreed and nodded, all of them were full of interest in the first year, and Tzuyu, who was still checking her results, crashed when she heard the word Lisa. After a few seconds, she pulled the report card to the top. .

Finally found Lisa's name, with a total score of 1092, which makes people feel unreal.

"This is impossible!"

A girl next to her turned her head, "Nothing is impossible."

"How could Lisa take this high in exam?" Tzuyu widened her eyes. "She has such poor grades. The previous time was the lowest in the class!"

"What's wrong with the lowest, it's okay to count positive now, why are you so excited."

Several people were startled by Tzuyu's overly angry tone. A careful classmate suddenly thought of something, Lalisa Manobal, Tzuyu Manobal, frowned and said, "Tzuyu, you know this Lisa."

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