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Not to mention other people, even Lisa was stupid for a while.

She probably thought about what Jungkook looked like after cutting hid hair, but when she really saw him now, she realized that it seemed better than she had imagined.

The classmates who were rushing to read Jungkook's paper just now suddenly seemed shocked. They placed his paper on the table and freed the way, one by one watching Jungkook go back to his seat. .

"This is... Jungkook..."


"The paper just now... is indeed Jungkook's..."


Jaebum took a look at the seat, then looked back again after a while, and finally saw Lisa fall into self-doubt.

"Does hairstyle really have such a big impact on appearance?"

Lisa looked at Jaebum's small hairy inch and the small freckles on his face, and couldn't bear to tell him that the impact on him would not be too great.

At the next moment, Lisa had left her seat and went to Jungkook's side.

She was so surprised.

Before Lisa came to Jungkook, the girl sitting in front of Jungkook was always annoying. Today when Lisa came, The girl looked at Lisa and then at Jungkook, and she flashed to the side without saying a word. Just like the other classmates, she couldn't help but look at them.

Jungkook's papers were messed up by his classmates. Jungkook looked at the papers on the table and didn't want to touch them.

Lisa sat over and arranged all the papers. Jungkook looked at the papers in Lisa's hand, and then reached out to take them.

He flipped through the paper, and when he saw that the history was only 121 points, he stared at the 121 for a long time.

Lisa knew that Jungkook was smart, but when she learned that Jungkook could directly crush her by more than a hundred points, she was still sincere and shocked from the heart. The word genius was just for fun before. Now it has become real and dazzling.

Jungkook had very few facial expressions. Until now, Lisa had only seen Jungkook's slightly weird smile, let alone anything else.

Lisa watched that he had been staring at this paper, and glanced forward at the history paper.

In a clear score of more than 140 points, this 121 is really a bit conspicuous, but this is based on the difficulty of the paper!

"Jungkook," Lisa called Jungkook, watching him raise his head and continue, "You know, just now, in the history single subject, I was the highest score in the class, but after you came, I didn't. "

Jungkook glanced at the paper, and then at Lisa, as if he was comforted, but he didn't seem to be comforted.

He didn't stare at the paper, but pressed it to the bottom.

Lisa: "..."

Okay, she understands that he is not satisfied with this 121 history paper.

Very persistent.

Lisa can guarantee that if Jungkook still takes the exam next time, he will definitely focus on history.

If it is surprising enough that Lisa had surpassed Eunwoo to become the first in class last time, then it is even more shocking that Jungkook received such an abnormal high score in the exam today.

In the class, almost everyone was staring at Jungkook, looking at Jungkook still expressionless, but his mouth moved and closed and talked to Lisa, no one dared to laugh at what Jungkook said.

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