Part 16

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It's new day
The birds are chirping the sun is shining

Riddhima get ready and went to kid's room

She saw her children still sleeping peacefully and couldn't help but feel grateful for their presence in her life. She gently woke them up and helped them get ready for the day.

As they sat down for breakfast with Vansh, Riddhima, Priyanka, Nandani, Raghav, Shweta couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness. She looked around the table at her family and felt a sense of completeness that she had never felt before.

After breakfast, they decided to take the kids to the park. As they ( Riddhima, Vansh and kids) played and laughed together, Riddhima felt a sense of joy that she had never experienced before. She knew that her life was finally falling into place and that she had everything she could ever want.

As they walked back home, hand in hand, Riddhima knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together. She was excited ,to see what the future held for them and was ready to face anything that came their way, as long as she had her family by her side.
But somehow there was a fear in her heart thinking about Anupriya and Kabir.

After sometime

Vansh was going to the office.
He bid Shweta and others...

Riddhu also went to hospital

At hospital

Nitya (nurse) comes to Riddhima

Nitya: Dr. Riddhima Our patient Siya is showing improvement

Riddhima's heart sank at the mention of Siya's name. She had been in a coma for six years now, and it was a constant source that she felt guilty and Vansh had blamed her for not being able to save his sister.

Despite her own feelings of guilt and sadness, Riddhima put on a professional demeanor and asked Nitya for more details about Siya's condition.

Nitya: Her vitals are stable and there has been some brain activity. It's a small improvement, but it's still progressing.

Riddhima felt a glimmer of hope at Nitya's words. Maybe there was a chance that Siya could wake up from her coma after all these years.

But then she remembered Vansh's blame and anger towards her. She knew that he would never forgive her for what had happened to his sister, untill unless Anupriya truth came out in front of Raisinghnia.

Riddhima took a deep breath and tried to push those thoughts aside. She had a job to do, and she needed to focus on helping Siya as much as she could.

"Thank you for letting me know, Nitya," she said. "I'll go check on Siya myself and see if there's anything more we can do for her."

As she walked towards Siya's room, Riddhima couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. She knew that seeing Vansh again would be difficult, especially now that there was a chance that his sister could wake up. But she also knew that she had to face him eventually, and that she couldn't let his anger towards her hold her back from doing her job.

Taking a deep breath, Riddhima pushed open the door to Siya's room and stepped inside..

Vansh was sitting by Siya's bedside, holding her hand and talking to her softly. He looked up as Riddhima entered the room, his expression cold and distant.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice laced with anger.

"I heard about Siya's progress and wanted to check on her myself," Riddhima replied calmly, trying to keep her emotions in check.

Vansh scoffed. "You think you can do anything for her? You couldn't save her six years ago, what makes you think you can help her now?"

Riddhima felt a pang of guilt and sadness at his words, but she didn't let it show. Instead, she walked over to Siya's bedside and began examining her.

As she worked, Riddhima could feel Vansh's eyes on her, watching her every move. She tried to ignore him and focus on Siya, but it was difficult with his presence looming over her.

After a few minutes, Riddhima finished her examination and turned to face Vansh.

"There's not much more we can do for Siya at this point," she said gently. "But I'll keep monitoring her progress and let you know if there are any changes."

Vansh nodded curtly and stood up. "Just make sure you stay out of my way," he said before storming out of the room.

Riddhima sighed and sat down next to Siya's bed. She knew that working with Vansh was going to be a challenge, but she also knew that she couldn't let his anger towards her affect her ability to help his sister.

As she sat there, watching Siya's chest rise and fall with each breath, Riddhima made a promise to herself. She would do everything in her power to help Siya wake up from her coma, no matter what obstacles she faced along the way.

That's it for today

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