Part 25

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The soft morning light streamed into the room, casting a gentle glow on the peacefully sleeping figures.

 Riddhima, waking up amidst the warmth of her children and the subtle comfort of Vansh's presence, couldn't help but smile at the tender tableau before her.The kids, still nestled in a slumbering embrace, clung to Riddhima and Vansh, forming a precious family cocoon. 

Vansh, holding Riddhima's hand in his sleep, seemed to echo a connection that transcended the complexities of their past.As Riddhima carefully disentangled herself from the sleeping trio, she felt a quiet determination settle within her. 

The events of the previous day lingered in her thoughts, but a newfound resolve pushed her to face the challenges that awaited.

After completing her morning rituals, Riddhima returned to the room to find Vansh already awake. The quiet exchange of glances between them held a silent acknowledgment of the shared moments they had witnessed in the early hours of the day.

Riddhima: Good morning, Vansh.

Vansh, meeting her gaze, responded with a nod, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the air. 

The room, bathed in the soft hues of dawn, became a canvas for a new day, a day that held the promise of possibilities and the potential for a fresh start. 

The day unfolded, and after having breakfast, Riddhima immersed herself in her responsibilities at the hospital, checking on her patients. 

However, the weight of personal matters lingered in the background.In the afternoon, she messaged Pihu, asking her to meet at a restaurant. 

The ambiance of the restaurant provided a setting for a heart-to-heart conversation between the two sisters.

Riddhima: (asking about parents) How are Mom and Dad? 

Pihu shared updates about their parents, but her keen eyes noticed the subtle signs of stress on Riddhima's face.

Pihu: (concerned) Di, is everything okay? You seem stressed.

Riddhima, sipping her coffee, couldn't contain the thoughts that had been weighing on her.

Riddhima: I don't know, Pihu. Sometimes, I feel like there's no effort from Vansh's side. I'm living in the VR Mansion for the sake of our kids. But I'm not sure if our relationship will work out.

She sighed, expressing the inner turmoil she had been grappling with.

Riddhima: I'm thinking of shifting to Pune. I'll come here on weekends to meet the kids.

Pihu, understanding the complexity of the situation, tried to offer support and perspective.

Pihu: Di, relationships are challenging. Maybe Vansh is going through a lot too. Have you talked to him about how you feel?

The sisters continued their conversation, navigating through the intricacies of relationships and the uncertainties of the future, finding solace and understanding in each other's company.


The evening unfolded in the VR Mansion, with a subtle calm settling over the household. Riddhima, after her rounds at the hospital, engaged in the routine of family life. 

She spent quality time with her kids, listening to their school day adventures and sharing in their laughter.

As the night descended, Riddhima retreated to her room. A desire for clarity and a yearning for open communication stirred within her. After freshening up, she decided to seek solace on the balcony. The soft glow of the moon illuminated the night sky, casting a serene atmosphere over the mansion.Riddhima, with a steaming cup of black coffee in hand, immersed herself in the quiet moment. 

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