Part 17

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It's Reception party of
Shweta and Raghav

The VR Mansion was decorated with twinkling lights and colorful flowers, and the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and music. Riddhima stood at the back of the room, watching as Shweta and Raghav danced together in the center of the floor.

She couldn't help but smile as she watched the happy couple, knowing how much they had been through to get to this point. It had taken a lot of hard work and dedication, but they had finally made it.

As the night went on, Riddhima found herself surrounded by friends and colleagues. She felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over her, knowing that she had played a small part in making this day possible.

But even as she celebrated with those around her, Riddhima couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. She glanced around the room, searching for Vansh, but he was nowhere to be found.

Just as she was about to give up, Riddhima felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Vansh standing behind her, his expression softening as he looked at her.

"I wanted to thank you," he said quietly. "For everything you've done for Siya and for us."

Riddhima smiled, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "It's my duty as a doctor," she replied. "I just want to see Siya get better."

Vansh nodded, his eyes meeting hers. "I know," he said. "I'm sorry for yesterday I should not talk to you like that."

Riddhima," It's okay let it be. For now we need to see here. We can talk about that topic some other time".

As they stood there, surrounded by the joy and love of their friends and family, Riddhima couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. And with Vansh by her side, she knew that anything was possible In fact she will be able to show the true colours of Anupriya to everyone.

All the Bansal and Raisinghnia (except Anupriya and Kabir) want Riddhu and Vansh to come together and start their new life forgetting their past...

Pihu, Raghav and Shweta made a plan.

According to the plan Pihu make riddhima drink so that she could pour her heart in front of vansh.

  she was hoping that the alcohol would loosen her up enough so that she could talk to vansh and everything would get sorted between them .

As the night went on, Pihu and Raghav kept a close eye on Riddhima, making sure she didn't overdo it. And as the alcohol flowed, Riddhima began to open up about her feelings towards Vansh.

"He's just so distant," she slurred, her words slurring together slightly. "I don't know what to do anymore."

Pihu and Raghav exchanged a knowing look, both of them aware of the tension between Vansh and Riddhima. They had hoped that getting Riddhima to talk about it would help her work through her feelings and maybe even bring her closer to Vansh.

But as the night wore on, it became clear that the plan had backfired. Riddhima became more and more emotional, tears streaming down her face as she talked about how much she loved Vansh but didn't feel like he loved her back as he doesn't trust his own wife and trusted his enemy.

Pihu and Raghav tried their best to console her, but they knew that this was a conversation that needed to happen between Vansh and Riddhima alone.

As the party began to wind down, Pihu and Raghav made their excuses and left, leaving Riddhima alone with her thoughts. She knew that she needed to talk to Vansh about how she was feeling, but she didn't know where to start.

And as she stumbled out of the hall, still feeling the effects of the alcohol, Riddhima couldn't help but wonder if things would ever be the same between her and Vansh again.
And they could live as a happy family.

Pihu make Riddhima sat in a room
And on the other side Raghav get Vansh in the same room.

Earlier vansh was not aware about Riddhu presence in his room as she was in washroom.

Pihu and Raghav locked the room from outside.

As riddhima was drunk she made something fall in washroom.
Vansh went to saw and was surprised to see her.
When he saw her in a drunk state he remembered the last time when she drank during Ishani and Angre Marriage time.

Vansh made sit Riddhima on bed.
He saw her and got to know that she has cried alot.

Vansh: What happened Riddhima, are u okay?

Riddhima nodded her head in no
And said I want to know something vansh and you need to answer my question
Why didn't you trusted me years back
If you have trusted me than we would live our lives as a happy family.

Vansh: riddhima you are drunk and you are not in a condition that I need to answer you.

Riddhima: u know what I missed you a lot each and every day
When kids used to ask me about you I don't have anything to say

People used to ask me where my husband is but I don't have an answer for them.

I left so lonely, when a woman needed his husband at that time my husband was not with me and was busy blaming his wife.                                                                                                                         Riddhima: I hate you, I hate you for this.

vansh felt bad for Riddhima somehow he knowns that he was  wrong at  this place and can totally agree with riddhima.

Riddhima continued : But now you have to listen to me i want to tell you something which you have to listen to today.

saying so riddhima fainted in vansh's arm

vansh made riddhima sleep on bed he gently crassed his hand over riddhima's head .  the kissed her temple and said, ''i even missed you a lot. you know what i missed you every morning our fights over small things.

i love u riddhima i love u even today

vansh moved to the couch to sleep there
As Vansh settled onto the couch, he couldn't help but smile, watching Riddhima peacefully asleep in their bed. Memories of their time together flooded his mind, from their playful arguments to the quiet moments they cherished.

As he lay on the couch, he reached for his phone and began scrolling through their old photos together, reminiscing about the adventures they had shared. His heart swelled with love as he remembered the special moments that had brought them even closer.
In the dimly lit room, Vansh started to drift off to sleep, his thoughts filled with affection for Riddhima.

That's it for today

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