Chapter 9: Hello, Goodbye

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"This gentleman here is Frode," Vali murmured, voice hushed and soothing while multicolored fingers caressed the velvety, obsidian coat of the majestic stallion. "Frode and I have forged quite a fabulous friendship during my time here. He even responds so well to me calling his name already, don't you sweet Frode?" He prompted warmly, tenderly patting the soft spot just beneath the stallion's chin. Frode kicked in response to Vali's kind words, gearing up as if ready to charge.

Throughout the course of the day following their reunion, Vali and Tofa had been granted the opportunity to reconnect, finding solace in each other's company within the cozy loft while their Alphas attended to their daily duties. There, they immersed themselves in an exchange of stories, recounting the shared trials they endured following the devastating raid on their village. Their heartfelt conversations evoked an abundance of smiles, tears, and contagious laughter, so much so that they nearly found themselves forgetting about the looming threat to both their own and their Alpha's safety.

However, as the hours of animated discussion gradually waned, leaving behind only an atmosphere of gratitude for the other's companionship, Vali resolved to make the most of their remaining hours until their Alpha's return by introducing Tofa to his newfound circle of friends.

The stallion responded to Vali's previous inquiry with a moist breath of agreement, his mane swaying gracefully in a waterfall-like cascade of ebony strands around his face. And as he stood beside his friend, Tofa quivered with a mixture of reverence and wonder, his small figure dwarfed several feet below the imposing shadow cast by the immense equine.

"He's... enormous." Was all that Tofa managed to squeak out, intent on keeping his back firmly pressed firmly against the safe stall walls. Vali simply giggled at that, nodding as he continued to massage his animal friend.

"That he is! And mighty powerful, too." The taller Omega praised, starlight blazing in his eyes as his love for all things equine shone through. Vali's devotion to these magnificent creatures transcended mere admiration. In them, he saw a reflection of his own spirit – relentless energy, unyielding in the face of adversity, yet gentle and nurturing when needed. And in their presence, he found solace and inspiration.

As the stallion nuzzled affectionately against Vali, a soft sigh escaped the Omega's lips, carrying with it a sense of serenity, an emotion that seemed particularly elusive as of late.

"What about her?" Tofa offered, pointing a skinny finger toward the other side of the low stall wall. It was obvious that the Omega wanted to emancipate himself from the overwhelming shadow cast by the gigantic creature that was Frode, one whose single misstep could potentially flatten him.

Vali followed the trajectory of Tofa's outstretched hand, his heterochromatic eyes shifting to view the pure white mare that had caught his attention during his very first descent down to the stables. Since then, his connection with Frode had consumed most of his interactions, leaving only fleeting moments dedicated to the other mares, enough to tend to their hooves and manes. Thus, his knowledge about the smaller equine remained limited, but he would gladly acquaint Tofa with her if that was what his friend desired.

"Well, from the short amount of time that I've spent with her, her temperament is a bit skittish. But once you earn her trust, she's just the sweetest," Vali explained, giving Frode one last nuzzle and pat before leading his friend – the human one – out of the stallion's enclosure. After securing Frode's stall door with a gentle lowering of the lever, Vali turned his attention to the adjacent stall, moving to enter. "But despite my best efforts, I still haven't been able to figure out her name." He pouted, a hint of frustration lacing his tone.

Tofa entered the next stall with considerably greater ease than the last, clearly feeling more confident in his capability to protect himself against this smaller equine should the need for such defense arise. But as Vali leisurely caressed her muzzle, whispering soft, soothing sounds to calm her, the Omega couldn't help but notice that the mare's attention remained entirely fixated on... Tofa.

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