Chapter 11: Heart of the Storm

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The benevolent blanket of night surrendered to the bleeding hues of dawn much too soon. And by the time a soft rap on the barn door reverberated through the rafters, signaling Tofa and Kerr's arrival, neither Einar nor Vali were prepared to disentangle themselves from the passionate embrace they'd assumed hours earlier.

Despite the fact that they were as physically comfortable as they had ever been, finding a soul-resounding peace within the newly formed bond that thrummed through them like lightning, connecting Einar and Vali on a level that no one else could ever hope to comprehend, both males failed to manage a single wink of sleep throughout the much-too-short night.

How could they, when the grave promise of what was to come pressed down so heavy upon their newly-intertwined spirits?

It wasn't until the second round of anxious knocks rocked the rickety structure that Einar bolted up into a sitting position, the Alpha's wild mane of dirty blonde hair falling in waves over his face while – on sheer instinct – his thick arms sealed themselves even tighter around the waist of his Omega.

With his Alpha's sudden movement, Vali whined softly into the stuffy morning air, burying his face further into the warm flesh of his fated as if attempting to fully disappear into the powerful expanse of his chest.

"I must allow them entry before they are seen," Einar's infinitely deep voice, now encased in a particular grumble that spoke of long hours spent in silence, sent an involuntary shiver down the smaller man's spine.

Pushing out of his long-occupied position nested safely into the confines of his Alpha's chest, Vali stirred only enough to meet that brilliant, cerulean gaze that never failed to calm him. Then, blinking his own mismatched eyes sleepily as he released one hand from its firm hold on his fated's body, Vali gently swept back a few of the ebony and ivory curls that obscured his lovely face.

A drowsy little, "Hm?" escaped Vali's lips along with his movement, which drew a ridiculously fond smile from Einar, who now held his Omega even closer while his fragile heart skipped several beats at the adorable sound. Driven by a deep-rooted instinct that suddenly possessed him to his very core, the larger man found himself unable to resist placing a temperate morning kiss upon the mark he'd so lovingly bestowed upon his Omega's nape the night before – a symbol to the rest of the world that despite that, no matter the trials, Einar's love for Vali was unwavering.

Einar's lips met the tender, healing flesh, he tasted hints of dried blood that still lingered around the distinct, circular scars, and simultaneously, both men shuddered.

In a split moment, during which neither man could truly understand the depths of why such a simple act would render them both speechless, both Einar and Vali were overcome by a sensation so real, so... all-consuming that it left them both a shaking mess in one another's arms, eyes rolling back as the sensation of total oneness became them. And when Einar finally pulled back, lips glistening with saliva and eyes half-hooded, the shimmering string of light that now connected their souls was undeniable.

Their lifelines were now one, and as he pondered that thought, Einar stared openly at his Omega, taking in the overwhelmingly enchanting sight. How was possible it that this man – a physical manifestation of the Alpha's greatest fears and most desperate desires all contained within such a small, vulnerable form – was truly right there in his arms? His?

Determination shot deep, like shrapnel through flesh. And within an instant, Einar chose that no matter what this fateful morning was to bring – if it meant providing his Omega with a life full of all of the love and safety that he so deserved – he would fight until his lungs ached for oxygen and his heart pumped its last beat.

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