Chapter 10: The Weight of Tomorrow

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Throughout this chapter, PLAY THE SONG LINKED ABOVE IN THE BACKGROUND and repeat it when it stops until you finish the chapter:

- Song: Table for Two by Abel Korzeniowski


Einar and Vali's ascent to the loft was made silently, but their journey was anything but quiet. Because all the while, even as words held no consequence, the weathered wallboards still creaked in time with the wind, the ladder still groaned beneath their weary feet, and anxious hearts still stuttered within their bony cages, restless as if prepared to burst right through fickle chests.

His massive physique unfolding from the darkness below, Einar rose from behind Vali in the ladderwell, exuding an aura of fearsome protection, casting a shadow upon his Omega's smaller form. He waited patiently as Vali completed his ascent up the last few rungs of the ladder, and then – only after drawing the deerskin back across the ladderwell opening and placing the torch into its bracket did the Alpha offer his fated words.

"Vali... I..." The Alpha swallowed, saliva suddenly thickening on his tongue as he stuttered. Perhaps it was a result of sweating all of the water out of his body after laboring for hours in the refinery, or the lack of nutrition that he was clearly suffering from as a result of gifting his Omega his every ration. But even as he pondered these possibilities, somewhere deep down, Einar knew that there was something much more than mere dehydration deeming him incapable of meeting his Omega's gaze.

No, his sudden loss of words was inextricably linked to Vali's overwhelmingly captivating presence, one which always unleashed a whirlwind of long-suppressed emotion within the Alpha, spiraling his tormented soul into a magnetic maelstrom of inescapable turmoil.

Naturally, Vali only tilted his head in that adorable way that made Einar's temporary mutism all the more precarious. And then, black and white curls brushing his shoulder and pretty, mismatched eyes glistening in the firelight, the Omega smiled.

The mere sight of it almost caused Einar to stumble, even though he was standing perfectly still.

"Yes?" Vali's words came out on the back of an airy sigh, and – drawn to his fated like a moth to the brightest flame – Einar closed the distance between them in one enormous step.

Stray tendrils of golden hair escaped the Alpha's untamed bun, dancing alongside his chiseled jawline as he crouched before Vali, gently pressing the burlap sack that he held into his Omega's rapidly beating chest.

"For you," Einar rumbled, finally able to meet and hold his Omega's smoldering gaze now that his crouched position cinched their height difference to none. "My Vali."

The Omega's smile gentled into a mellower radiance, its warmth transforming the contours of his lofty cheekbones into an exquisite spectacle, setting a spell upon Einar's senses like never before. Subconsciously, the Alpha's eyelids fluttered, drawn in by an instinctive pull towards the caress of his Omega's hand, which now tenderly cradled his cheek with fingers as downy and smooth as the finest fur.

"You are infinitely kind to me, Einar. And I am infinitely grateful." Vali whispered, still smiling sweetly as he gracefully settled down onto the timeworn floorboards. Never too far behind, Einar followed his Omega's movements, and soon, both men were seated across from one another, legs brushing, aching to be intertwined as the orangey torchlight illuminated the scene, tracing the contours of their most distinct features.

Vali's heart skipped several beats, full lips parting with breathless anticipation as his eyes eagerly danced back and forth between his Alpha and the mysterious burlap-wrapped offering, still nestled between Einar's giant, quivering fingers. "Please," the small man further implored, pressing against his Alpha's strong hands to lower the bag to the floor between them. "Show me?"

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