Singularity F: 2

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Lancer, gathering herself from the previous onslaught, voiced her concern, "This isn't good." With agile grace, she decided to engage the imposing Saber, allowing Assassin the responsibility of dealing with Mash.

She brandished her spear, its tip gleaming menacingly. With precision and intent, she hurled it at The Hollow Knight. The weapon whistled through the air, but the Saber, exhibiting formidable reflexes, deflected it with his weapon. Not to be outdone, Lancer employed another strategy. She unleashed the chains connected to her spear's handle, trying to ensnare the Saber in an intricate web. With an expert flick, she hoped to immobilize her adversary. But The Hollow Knight was not so easily trapped. With a signature black flash, he reappeared behind her, delivering a bone-jarring strike. The force catapulted her towards a burning building, but she managed to arrest her flight with a nimble roll, coming up poised and ready.

Regaining her composure, she launched her spear in a series of intricate arcs, all the while blitzing with swift, shadowy movements. Each strike aimed for a chink in Saber's armor, particularly targeting the unprotected back of his head. But every time she thought she had the advantage, she was met with Saber's own ruthless counter.

During one particularly close encounter, as she tried to capitalize on her monstrous strength, she was met by an unexpected punch from The Hollow Knight, swiftly followed by the resonating clang of his weapon parrying her spear's return. The impact sent her careening into a distant building, dust and debris rising in her wake.

Inside the dimly lit structure, Lancer shifted her tactics. She prepared to employ one of her most potent abilities. As The Hollow Knight's imposing silhouette entered, she swiftly removed her visor, unveiling her mesmerizing purple, snake-like eyes, which bore the cursed power of petrification.

"This is your end," she whispered, her voice echoing eerily. "No one withstands the Gorgon's gaze."

For a moment, it seemed as though her gamble paid off. Stone crept up The Hollow Knight's body, beginning from his extremities. But then, in an awe-inspiring show of willpower, he resisted the petrification. His body emanated a radiant, pure white aura, dispelling Medusa's curse.

Medusa, in her disbelief, lost her usual calm demeanor. "Impossible," she hissed. "What manner of creature are you?"

Without waiting for her to recover, The Hollow Knight lunged, his weapon slashing in a ferocious arc. But Lancer evaded with a dancer's grace, her spear twirling to create distance. As the floor beneath her shattered from the sheer force of Saber's blow, she used the momentum to vault out of the building.

The two clashed again in an open area, surrounded by embers and flames. Their weapons danced in a deadly ballet, each move choreographed in a split second. Lancer's spear darted, aiming to exploit any opening, while The Hollow Knight countered with relentless swings of his weapon, each blow powerful enough to level a structure. The rhythm of their battle resonated with clangs and flashes, the outcome hanging in a precarious balance.

As the battle between Saber and Lancer raged on, Mash found herself in a high-stakes standoff against the nimble Assassin. Despite her formidable shield and burgeoning combat skills, she faced the challenge of protecting Ritsuka and Olga while contending with a more experienced adversary.

Dirks whizzed through the air, and Mash adeptly used her shield to ward off the projectiles. Assassin darted about, employing various tactics to break her defenses. He attempted to disorient her, feinted attacks, and probed for weaknesses, but Mash maintained her resolute stance.

Then, Assassin seized a momentary opening. With a sly grin, he feigned an attack on the horrified Ritsuka, causing Mash to swiftly interpose herself, shield firmly guarding her Master. However, Assassin capitalized on her movement, dashing slightly to the right and thrusting his weapon toward the left side of her ribs. His smirk faded as a resounding clang echoed through the battlefield, his weapon failing to pierce her skin due to the protective armor she wore. Mash retaliated by forcefully slamming her cross-shaped shield at Assassin, sending him hurtling backward. He hit the ground with a hard thud but quickly regained his footing, though slightly disoriented.

Undeterred, Assassin activated his speed boost and, with blinding swiftness, closed the distance to Olga. Intent on delivering a lethal strike, he attempted to stab her from the front. Mash, however, found herself in a challenging position. She stood protectively in front of Ritsuka, unable to reach Olga and block Assassin's attack without risking harm to Fujimaru.

Just as Assassin prepared to execute his deadly move, a sudden interruption occurred. Lancer, who had been locked in combat with The Hollow Knight, was forcefully slammed against Assassin. The two Servants collided, sending them tumbling and disrupting Assassin's intended strike. Grunts of pain and surprise filled the air as their battle took an unexpected turn.

Lancer and Assassin, having swiftly regained their footing, braced themselves for the menacing Saber's relentless advance. They understood that their best chance of victory lay in facing this formidable opponent as a united front.

Saber, brandishing his colossal sword-like weapon, wasted no time. With each ground-shaking step, he charged toward Lancer, his massive blade sweeping in a wide arc, aimed at cleaving her in two. However, Lancer's agility proved invaluable as she executed a graceful backflip, elegantly evading the impending strike. Swiftly recovering, she seized the opportunity and lunged forward, thrusting her spear toward Saber's exposed chest.

Meanwhile, Assassin, celebrated for his speed and precision, circled the battlefield with fluid grace, maintaining a careful distance from Saber's immense reach. He launched his dirks with lethal accuracy, each one calculated to exploit any potential vulnerabilities. Some found their mark, causing small but painful wounds to mar Saber's imposing form.

Saber's fury grew with each passing moment, and he unleashed a tremendous sweep of his colossal weapon. The shockwave generated by the strike surged menacingly toward Lancer. Demonstrating her remarkable agility, she executed a soaring leap, performing a mid-air somersault with grace, evading the shockwave's path. Her landing was flawlessly timed, and she immediately countered by thrusting her spear at Saber's exposed flank.

Assassin, ever vigilant for openings, spotted a brief lapse in Saber's defenses. Moving with blinding speed, he dashed in, one of his dirks glinting with deadly intent. He aimed a precise stab at Saber's flank, expecting an advantage. However, Saber displayed unexpected agility for his towering frame, sidestepping the attack with fluid grace. In a retaliatory move, he brought down a thunderous downward strike with his colossal weapon.

While Assassin managed to evade the counterattack, Lancer used her spear to intercept Saber's retaliatory blow. The clash between their weapons sent sparks flying and momentarily pushed her back. She gritted her teeth as she felt the weight of his strength, but Assassin seized the opportunity, launching one of his dirks at The Hollow Knight's head, causing it to bleed.

"Saber!" Ritsuka's voice rang out in concern. Mash quickly intervened, slamming her shield onto Assassin and keeping him occupied.

Medusa seized the moment. She could see the void hidden within Saber's mask, the dirk implanted in his head. Yet, something was amiss. Despite the grievous wounds, his weapon continued to press down with unimaginable force. He carelessly grabbed the dirk, now bloody, and threw it casually.

"You aren't normal..." Medusa whispered in horror.

The Hollow Knight retrieved his weapon, but before Medusa could react, he delivered a swift kick, sending her crashing to the ground. In an instant, he teleported on top of her while she was vulnerable. With one foot on her belly, his weapon ominously closing in on her neck, he extinguished her life as she faded into particles of light.

His gaze shifted briefly, and then he turned back. It seemed that Mash had managed to conclude her confrontation with Assassin as well. The battlefield had fallen silent, marked only by the aftermath of their fierce clash.

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