Singularity F: 3

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The clapping of hands rang out, capturing the attention of the group. "Who's there?!" Director Olga exclaimed. Mash and Saber braced themselves, ready for any potential incoming threat. From behind a shattered house emerged a man, draped in light blue robes, his face concealed.

"That was indeed a great show of strength," he commented, a smirk barely visible beneath his hood.

"It's a Servant! Ritsuka, quick, command Saber to attack him!" Olga urged.

Ritsuka stammered, "Uhh... Saber, go!"

The Hollow Knight, ever obedient to his Master's commands, dashed forward and materialized in front of the robed figure. He raised his weapon, poised to strike, but then, to everyone's surprise, he hesitated. Lowering his arm to his side, he peered down at the robed man.

The robed man muttered a few incantations, and a small magic circle materialized in his hand. After a moment, a radiant glow enveloped his entire body, before dissipating.

"Runes? And why isn't your Servant attacking?!" Olga shrieked, her anxiety palpable.

"I don't know!" Ritsuka replied, bewildered by the situation.

"Senpai, maybe it has something to do with the runes?" Mash suggested.

"No, those are protection runes. Maybe he's preparing in case things go south, and Saber attacks him... Still, it doesn't explain why he isn't attacking," Olga remarked, her voice laced with uncertainty. The battlefield had taken an unexpected turn, leaving them all on edge.

As The Hollow Knight continued to intensify his gaze, gradually raising his weapon once more, the man couldn't help but sweat nervously. "Oi, what's with the stare? I'm happy that you didn't kill me on the spot, but you need to chill," he commented with a nervous chuckle.

The man then took down his hood, revealing a handsome face with blue hair tied back in a low ponytail and striking red eyes. "I just complimented you, is that how you react to compliments? Pretty rude if I ask myself," he added, his tone a mix of amusement and mild irritation.

The tension in the air seemed to lessen as the man revealed his face and engaged in banter with The Hollow Knight. 

"Director, he doesn't seem that much of a threat," Ritsuka commented, trying to ease the tension.

Olga responded with a deadpan expression, "Really? It's a Servant, idiot; it's a threat."

"Right," Ritsuka mumbled in acknowledgment, not wanting to underestimate the situation. The two of them kept their eyes fixed on the unfolding encounter between Saber and the blue-haired man, who seemed to be doing his best to avoid the menacing stare of The Hollow Knight.

As the standoff continued, the man suddenly remarked, "Okay, maybe I shouldn't be here." His tone suggested that he was reevaluating his decision to remain in the presence of the Saber.

Olga remained cool and composed as she responded, "Yes, you shouldn't. Unless you have a good reason."

The blue-haired man nodded in agreement, his demeanor shifting to a more amicable one. "Ah, yes. But before we start, shouldn't we introduce ourselves? That's the first thing people do, right?"

Olga's skepticism was evident as she replied, "You really think that's going to work? You're foolish enough to think that we would willingly reveal the Servants' names. What's stopping you from making a strategy to betray us, using the name advantage?"

The man leaned in closer and stated firmly, "Look, woman, I'm not the type of guy to fight like an Assassin. That's too much without honor. I'm the kind of guy who faces his opponents head-on, not one to skulk in the shadows."

Ritsuka decided to take a chance on the blue-haired man, feeling that he might be trustworthy. "Director, I think he's trustworthy enough. Hello, I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, and she is Mash Kyrielight. The tall guy is The Hollow Knight, but since he doesn't have a name, we just call him Saber. The Director's name is Olga."

Olga was taken aback by Ritsuka's openness. "Idiot! Why are you giving names like that—"

The blue-haired man introduced himself, cutting her off. "My name is Cu Chulainn, of the Caster class. Don't worry, grumpy woman who probably is on her period, I'm not going to betray you."

Olga's face turned bright red as she retorted, "What did you just say to me?!"

Cu Chulainn simply brushed it off. "Yeah, yeah, anyway. Hello to everyone."

Cu Chulainn's casual demeanor shifted to a more serious tone as he continued, "Alright, you must all be wondering why a Servant is all chitty-chatty with you."

Olga chimed in eagerly, "YEAH!"

Cu Chulainn took a deep breath and explained, "Well, I need... your help."

Cu Chulainn continued to elaborate on the situation. "You know that this Holy Grail War had the original Servant classes, like Saber, not you tall guy, Archer, Caster, which is me, Rider, who is probably dead, Lancer, Assassin, which you both killed, and Berserker. After the Grail got corrupted, all the Masters went poof, and Servants go around and kill each other."

Ritsuka nodded, absorbing the information. "Hmm. Go on."

Cu Chulainn explained further, "So, right now the only ones alive are me, Saber, Archer, and Berserker. I am the weakest right now, since the Caster class isn't a good fit for me. I swear, if I had the Lancer class, I wouldn't come here asking for help. Anyways, as I am the weakest, I wouldn't be able to kill any of those three. Saber is the strongest class, protected by Archer, and Berserker can go toe to toe with Saber. You get my point?"

"So, you are asking for our help?" The Director asked.

Cu Chulainn responded, "Yeah, if it wasn't clear enough."

As they deliberated, Romani's hologram appeared, and he offered his opinion, saying, "Okay, for some reason I only received audio input, but now it works, I guess... Anyway, after hearing everything, Director, in my humble opinion, it's wiser to trust him and work with him."

Olga reluctantly agreed, "Tch. Fine." And after those words, the hologram disappeared.

Cu Chulainn was relieved and suggested, "Great! But could you, you know, say to this guy to stop staring into my soul?" He gestured to Saber.

Ritsuka intervened, addressing Saber, "Saber, it's okay now. Stop staring at him." The Hollow Knight gave a last glance and retreated behind Ritsuka, appearing to lose interest and started drawing in the dirt with his sword.

''Let's go then,'' before Cu Chulainn could step foward, Ritsuka raised a valid concern, ''Wait, there is one problem, Cu Chulainn. Mash doesn't have much experience at being a Servant. Is it safe to bring her to them?"

Cu Chulainn thought for a moment and then responded, "Hell no. Great, we also need to train that lass to at least protect herself. Say, lass, do you know how to use your Noble Phantasm?"

Mash hesitated, replying, "U-Uhmmm, no..."

Cu Chulainn nodded decisively, "Off to train, I guess."

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