Singularity F: 5

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"Let me down, you damn Saber!!"

The group sprinted in a unified direction, trying to intercept the enemy Servant. To expedite their journey, Saber opted to carry both Olga and Ritsuka with a single hand, hurling forward at Mach speeds. Thanks to the Servants' enhanced capabilities, Mash and Caster effortlessly matched Saber's pace.

"Calm down, tall guy; your Master might fall off," Caster remarked.

Saber shot him a quick glare, maintaining his pace. Leaping from one burning building to another, he skillfully navigated the obstacles, ensuring the safety of both passengers.

"Saber-Kun, wait!!!" exclaimed Mash.

Saber abruptly came to a stop, skidding and embedding his feet in the ground. Dust and rubble scattered everywhere, causing Olga and Ritsuka to cough. The Director, however, began a heated rant, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?"

Ignoring her outburst, Saber gently set Olga down. Undeterred, Olga approached him, pointing accusatory fingers in frustration.

Ritsuka, feeling the effects of the rapid ride, attempted to calm Olga down. "Director, it wasn't Saber's fault. We needed to get here quickly. At least that's what I think was his reasoning..."

Olga, undeterred, continued her tirade until Saber's overprotective gesture intervened. His hand, a silent yet firm barrier, signaled for protection. Olga, begrudgingly, ceased her scolding.

A resounding thud echoed through the air, catching everyone's attention. As the dust settled, Olga and Ritsuka found themselves gently set back. Before them, the three Servants took a united stance, poised and ready for battle, their attention evident in their unwavering gaze. The impending threat had arrived, and the trio of Servants stood as the defenders, prepared to face whatever challenge lay ahead.

A deep voice resonated through the air, breaking the silence. "Hm... I've slept enough for the day." The source of the voice remained unseen, adding an air of mystery to the unfolding situation. The Servants, with heightened vigilance, awaited the emergence of the speaker, ready for the next phase of the encounter.

As the dust settled, a towering figure emerged, clad in a worn hunter's attire. The green ensemble featured a short coat draped over the shoulders, leather boots, and clothes. However, the most striking aspect was a giant hood crafted from moss, sticks, and stones, resembling a gaping mouth.

What sent a shiver down everyone's spine was the figure's surprising and intimidating stature, towering over even Saber. The eerie presence of this colossal entity signaled a formidable opponent, setting the stage for a challenging confrontation.

Cracking their back in a casual display of relaxation, the towering figure turned their attention toward the group. "And it seems I already have preys."

"Uhhh, shit, guys, I don't know who he is," said Romani in concern.

Before Olga could respond, the enemy Servant, Berserker, lunged at them. Saber swiftly moved to defend, managing to protect the group but getting pushed back significantly by the force of the attack. The confrontation had escalated, and the formidable foe presented a formidable challenge.

Mash and Caster's swift action saved the humans from potential crushing under the immense weight of the dueling Servants.

In the midst of the fierce struggle, Berserker and Saber grappled with each other, their monstrous strengths colliding in a relentless battle.

"I know about you, Hollow one," Berserker declared.

Saber remained stoic, offering no reaction.

"The ruler thought you were the only option for dealing with the plague..." Berserker continued.

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