Chapter 5: M0RGAN

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Over the rest of the week, Tess, Cole, Gemma and (Y/n) worked tirelessly to perfect M0RGAN and present him to David one last time. But this time, they made sure he would be ready and his face wouldn't melt off.

Tess and Cole were sitting in a theatre room with red walls looking over some computers when David barged in with Kurt behind him.

"What is this? Where's Gemma and (Y/n)? Where's my prototype?" He demanded to know.

"Uh, David, I just want to be exceedingly clear that this was not my idea." Cole said. He then pushed a button on a computer that lit up a room on the other side of the one way mirror in the room.

David could see the room was filled with white walls and was set to look like a kids' playroom. Inside, a tall figure was sitting on a seat with his back facing David.

A few seconds later, Gemma and (Y/n) entered the room, bringing Cady with them.

"Cady, there's someone we want you to meet. Do you remember how much you liked Bruce?" (Y/n) asked. "Well, we think you're gonna like M0RGAN even more."

They brought Cady over to where M0RGAN was sitting. He looked much more human now, with a proper face, and short blonde hair that was styled perfectly. He wore black pants and shoes, and a white collared button up with a tan sweater over it and had a striped bow tie around his neck.

"See, Bruce requires someone to operate him, but M0RGAN works all on his own." Gemma lead her over to where M0RGAN was sitting, and tapped the side of his neck. "Okay, what I want you to do, is take your fingers and put them here."

Cady tapped her two fingers against M0RGAN's hand.

"And when you do that, you're gonna pair with him. That means he'll recognize you as his primary user. He's yours and yours alone. So just keep your fingers there and say your name." Gemma instructed.

"Hi M0RGAN. I'm Cady."

M0RGAN's eyes opened and he looked at her. "It's nice to meet you Cady. Ooh, that's a lovely jacket. Where'd you get it?"

Cady smiled and looked down. "I'm not sure. I can't remember."

"Well, you look splendid in it. Would you like to hang out?"

Cady looked at Gemma and (Y/n) who nodded in encouragement.


M0RGAN stood up, and walked over to a small table and knelt down. Cady followed him and sat on a stool.

"Shall we draw?"

"What are you going to draw?" Cady asked.

"See if you can guess."

M0RGAN picked up a marker and started drawing on a piece of paper. Cady watched in fascination as he picked up marker after marker and drew all along the paper.

When he was done, he slid it over to Cady who looked down at it in confusion. "There's nothing there."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

M0RGAN knocked over a glass of water which spilled onto the paper. Slowly, an image started to appear. Cady picked up the paper and gasped in awe. It was a picture of her. And it was extremely detailed.

"Do you like it Cady?" M0RGAN asked.

Cady smiled. "I love it."

Gemma glanced over to the wall where the one way mirror was, knowing David was watching, and having a feeling that he would be impressed. Gemma turned to look at (Y/n) who looked back at her and nodded, gesturing for her to go talk to him while she stayed here with Cady.

As Gemma left, (Y/n) walked over to the table, and M0RGAN stood up to greet her.

"Ah, (Y/n). Lovely to see you as always." He took her hand and brought it to his robotic lips, pressing a kiss to them.

(Y/n) raised her brows a bit, surprised by his polite gesture, but pleased nonetheless.

"Uh...It's nice to see you too, M0RGAN. That was a very impressive drawing you made Cady."

They both looked down and saw the little girl still admiring her picture.

"Would you like one?" M0RGAN asked.

Again, (Y/n) was surprised by the offer, but smiled and nodded. M0RGAN knelt down by the table again and began drawing on a new piece of paper.

After a few minutes. He set the markers back in their place and used the rest of the water form the cup to make a very detailed and beautiful picture of her show up.

(Y/n) picked it up and gasped softly. "Ooh. You made me look better than I do most days." She joked lightly.

"Don't sell yourself short sweetheart. I happen to think you look stunning today." M0RGAN complimented.

She glanced back up to look into his bright blue eyes, and he winked at her.


Gemma entered the red room where David, Tess and Cole were, and she saw an extremely impressed look on her boss's face.

"How did you do this?"

"I thought you didn't want to know." Gemma replied.

"That wasn't a simulation right? That's kid's not an actress?"

Gemma shook her head. "No, she's my niece."

"Okay, we need to get this in front of the board. But first thing's first. Let's talk manufacturing costs. More or less than a Tesla?" David asked.

"Um...depends on the model I guess." Gemma shrugged.

David nodded. "Okay, I'm in. I'm all in. But we're asking the board to invest in something that's not gonna see a profit for three years. So bottom line is, this didn't going anywhere without Greg. Now, Greg is a hard-ass when it comes to spending money. But here's the thing. He's got a kid who's about the same age as your niece. If we can show him what you just showed me and get him to respond emotionally instead of analytically, we should be off to the races. So, can we keep the girl? Can we make her part of this? I mean she's paired with her right? That's how this whole thing works?"

"Yeah. The more time she spends with Cady, the more effective she's gonna be." Gemma said.

"Love it. Kurt, get Shelley on the phone. Gem, get me a list of things I can say in a presentation that makes it sound like I know what I'm talking about. Holy shit this is exciting. I want you all to remember this moment. The moment we kicked Hasbro right in the dick."


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