Chapter 19

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The next day was the beginning of their punishment. First, they would be making letters to the victim's families, besides Heidi's as they knew her close. Second, they would be cleaning up the church, as "punishments on the body reflect upon the mind".

Penelope wasn't looking forward to either, but she was glad she wouldn't be alone in this, and she would be doing it alongside Victoria.

Chris was sympathetic and offered to help, but she didn't want him to suffer for what she did on her own. She already felt guilty - it was her who mentioned the podcast. She had dragged down Victoria with her statement.

She also doubted the administration would allow him to help with the letter writing or cleaning. They'd say that this was a lesson that needed to be learned on their own.

It was after school now, and time for cleaning. Penelope and Victoria made their way through the winding gardens. They stuck close together, Penelope felt tempted to hold Victoria's hand but knew better than that. Even though the gardens appeared empty, there still could be someone watching.

They reached the building's long shadow long before they passed through its doors and into the hallway, where the lead janitor, Mrs Solomon, stood.

"I take it you two are here for janitor duty today?" She asked.

Victoria and Penelope both nodded. They knew saying something could set her off or eat them into further punishment.

"Speak up," Mrs Solomon ordered. "You're not mute, are you?"

"No ma'am," Penelope said. "We are here for janitor duty."

"Okay. Good to know you aren't mute or moronic, though I thought you must be the latter if you thought it was appropriate to do what you did," Mrs Solomon judged. "You are going to be sweeping and then mopping all of the floors in the church. Don't think you can get away with skimping on it either - I can smell the floor cleaner."

Mrs Solomon showed them the proper mixture for the mop water and how to use a broom - "because it appears neither of you were raised right". Then, she locked the doors behind her, with the final words that she would be back at 6 to get them, and they better be done by then.

The two girls were left standing alone in the silent desolation of the church. In the narrow hallway, light strained to reach in from the chapel, and the narrow front lobby was dusty and deserted.

"Well," Penelope said, breaking the stale air. "We might as well start now."

"You sweep, I'll mop," Victoria said. "Mopping is harder than sweeping with one of these things." She twirled the mop in her hands with the grace of a color guard girl.

"Ew. You know how many germs are in the mop head? I'm not a germaphobe, but I know how many middle schoolers go here and how gross they are," Penelope complained.

"You're right. Middle schoolers are gross," Victoria replied as Penelope began to sweep the lobby. "We were middle schoolers once though, and we were no better."

"True. Remember that time we decided to try and summon a demon by using blood that we got from steaks?" Penelope asked.

"It took me forever to get the stains out of my floor."

"At least nothing answered since we were using blood," Penelope said.

"You believe in ghosts still?" Victoria asked.

Penelope paused from sweeping to look over at Victoria. Victoria's face seemed pensive, not mocking as she had often been met with when describing her spiritual opinions. Penelope was thankful to have someone this open in her life.

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