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Mei approached the Hyphen building with a look of curiosity. She had gotten a email yesterday from Mercy detailing Overwatch's partnership with Hyphen, and how she had been randomly selected to speak with some of their employees as part of an outreach program. She had a flash drive containing a portion of her data on climate sciences on her, wondering just how this company could help. She walked in the front door, looking around for a person to speak with.

Marco was just finished dealing with conditioning Moira and Mercy in his hidden sex dungeon room, where he was just fully dressed in his lab coat. Coincidentally, he saw Mei and slowly approached her with his hands in his pockets, "Ms. Mei yes? I was told you're one of the recruits Ms. Zeigler sent to test our prototype for the Hyphen-OVA technology we've been developing?" He'd ask, putting his hand out to let the other shake it, "I'm Marco. The representative and head scientist of Hyphen, please follow me to our testing chambers so we can get the demonstration started." He'd state, guiding the cryo maniac to the testing facilities of Hyphen, where there was already a few accessories on the table in the middle of the room. Some were blasters and handheld ray guns, and some were some rather odd choices for uniforms. "Feel free to select which one you'd like to test out first."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Marco." Mei said, shaking his hand and noticing his strong grip. "A demonstration? Sure. I'm curious to see what kind of things you are working on." She followed Marco to the testing chambers, looking around curiously at anything she could see. Entering the room, Mei's attention was first drawn to the odd choices of 'umiforms' on the table. They seemed skimpy, even for someone who wasn't plus sized like her. She ignored them for now, instead walking over to the blasters. "Hmmm, I think I will go with ... This one." Mei said, choosing a blasters similar in design to her own weapon. Unaware of what was about to happen to her. Or what happened to Moira and Mercy.

"Wonderful. I assume you're more familiar with these types or ranged weapons yes? This was suggested to me by Mercy that we'd have you test out technology slightly similar to those that you use in OVA." He'd explain, giving the reason why some of these are rather familiar to the other weapons. "I'd suggest putting these glasses on for the full experience. Don't worry about its grade, it adjusts its vision accordingly to the user." He'd add, pointing towards a pair of glasses on the table, which while he was correct about it adjusting to Mei's vision, he never mentioned if it would also indirectly hypnotize her once she had them on.

"Yes actually." Mei said, looking at the weapons. "They're similar in design to the cyro-gun I use in my climate research." Mei looked at the new pair of glasses with a look of wonder before taking them, swapping them with her normal pair which were placed on the table. "Really? Incredible. I know people have talked about self adjusting prescriptions based on the wearer, but I thought that tec-" Mei's words instantly stopped as the hypnosis took hold of her, mouth hanging open slightly as she fell under the spell.

Marco chuckled as he groped Mei's ass cheeks before examining her blank expression. He liked this little look on her face, especially with how blank she seemed to be (him thinking of this as he just had sex with two more blank headed hoes), so he decided to take it into a different turn. "Now then, my little frosty cow. Go ahead and strip yourself naked and put on the rather skimpy cow uniform that is displayed on the racks. I'd suggest putting down the blasters before doing so, to make sure you do it as sexily as possible, but keep the glasses on for me. Understood, Mei Slut?"

Mei didn't show any signs of protest as Marco grabbed a handful of her ass. She only nodded at his commands, slowly beginning to take her clothes off after putting down the blaster. She started with her gloves, dropping them to them floor and wiggling her slightly pudgy fingers once they were free. She then moved to her boots, stepping out of them and wiggling her toes. Her top came off next, showing her chubby stomach and breasts held back only by a light blue bra. Her pants came next, slowly sliding down and revealing plump thighs that seemed to swallow her panties. Panties which would come off, followed by Mei's bra, leaving the scientist's big beautiful body on full display for Marco. Mei would then walk over to the cow uniform, putting it on and then stopping all actions. Waiting for more commands.

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