2 : Beginning after the end

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Darkness. A familiar darkness embraces my whole body, it felt like slimy liquid touching my skin. I tried my best to determine what is happening to me. Did I die? Again?

As I recalled my last memory. My fight with that demon. Even though I almost can feel anything here in this darkness, I still can feel my emotions, and the emotion occupying my heart right now is pure frustration.

To think someone like me who has a stature of a king lost to someone like him.

“Unforgivable, If I'm somehow reborn in the same world as before I'll train my whole life just to break that demon. I won't kill him, no I'll break him until he's just a useless sack of rotten meat."

It feels like I was hovering around this darkness but also feels like I'm not moving at all. I can't feel if the time is passing or stopped here. I tried to control my limbs and other body parts but there's nothing.


I felt like I've been here for years now. As someone who went to war countless times, I have obtained the skills to feel the time without having a clock. And base on those experiences I atleast have been here for months, no maybe a year, few years maybe even a decade. All I know is that I don't know a thing and I'm clueless on what's happening at all.

Am I reincarnating again? Do all I have to do now is wait for my new mother to push me out of her? I don't know. If I'm really dead then why am I still conscious, well not really but I'm atleast partially conscious.

I'm Just here mindlessly floating in the middle of the darkness or something when I heard some kind of cluttering of metals. Wait, metals? Am I gonna be born this day? Am I in some kind of hospital now?

Lots and lots of thoughts entered my mind not sure on what to do even though I really can't do anything as of now. I waited and waited until disappointment hit me. I waited for a few minutes, hours and days but nothing happened. Nothing at all now I'm back to this boring state again.

A long time has passed and nothing has really happened except now that constant sound of metals cluttering. Now, doubts started to cloud my mind as multiple scenarios appeared in my head.

“Am I really dead? that demon surely killed me but how can someone be atuck here for so long? "

Then an idea popped inside my head.

“The liquid! how am I even alive if I'm submerged in some kind of liquid and won't be able to breath?"

I instinctively tried to move my head. And there it is, I felt some kind of material covering my mouth and nose. It's probably the one helping me breathe keeping me alive.

So that means I'm at least alive and recovering. But I'm here for like an eternity now, doesn't that mean I'm probably healed now and just in a coma state? "

I thought concentrating on moving my limbs again back to the way it used be. Surprisingly I easily moved my arm.

“Seems like years of rest here isn't that bad at all."

Having the courage to get out of where the hell I even am, I tried to reach in front of me. I felt a cold surface responding to my touch. Gathering all of my strength to my arms I pushed the metallic wall in front of me which resulted in a huge dent I could feel easily with my touch.

Getting more impatient on how hard it is to get out here I punched it. Again and again and again until a whole appeared, letting light get inside of this some kind of capsule I'm in. Seeing light for the first time I quickly pushed the surface in front of me and it opened unexpectedly easy.

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