29 : Adventurer Ath

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"You're the one who said that I shouldn't interfere but you woke me up?"

"My bad, using soul fire triggered some destruction and it woke you up."

"Whatever, I'm gonna go back to my beauty sleep."

"Yes, it's always better if you're silent. Just conserve energy there, our destruction is limited with this frail body."


I didn't receive any reply. It seems that he went back on hibernating. Destruction takes too much mana from me and I can use a decent amount a day without fatigue but it isn't enough.

Using destruction is like using soul fire ten times at the same time. It takes too much energy and mana that I'll prefer using soul fire instead of it.

Destruction has the ability to consume anything and everything, it's basically an upgraded soul fire but using it is harder and much more complicated.

To use it you would need to use a bit of aether that is vivum and somehow reverse it to trigger the flames and multiply it to the rest of the vivum making the fire.

It's complicated but this body is already familiar with using it so it has not been difficult for me. Even though I'm supposed to be unable to use vivum or aether in this form, I somehow can because of this body.

If I just figure on how to reverse this thing and use vivum myself, then maybe I can save Sylvia. Vivum is the branch of life and existence and the opposite of this is destruction.

If vivum has an opposite, is it possible for the other two branches to have an opposite too?

I exited the dungeon alone after I cleared it and disposed the bodies of my former teammates with destruction. Even the blood burned away from existence and didn't leave a single trace that suggests that a bloody corpse was formerly there. The poor boys who I think are around my physical age got killed by scumbags on what I assume their first or second dungeon raid. It's unfortunate but it's also their fault for being weak and not choosing a better team.

I used multiple eclipse steps until I reached the nearest portal to Xyrus and immediately got in as I made my way to the adventurer's guild.

I didn't even enter through the front door. Using eclipse step, I traveled to Caspian's room and saw him doing some documents.

'Is he the lesser, weaker copy of Agrona? Heh'

I mused as I made my way towards him without him noticing. I grabbed a random document and lit my index finger with a small fire and wrote over the already written document.

I slammed the paper on his desk and this made him draw his sword but I just swatted it away.


He recovered for a bit and slowly grabbed the paper and read it.

"Make it that they cleared the dungeon and they got killed outside."

"Did all of you clear the dungeon?"

"Just me"

"So where are the cores?"

'ate it'
"Burned it"

"sigh It's possible to do that but I don't have the authority to-

"Do it or you'll have eleven lances left."


"Nothing, you know what? Just take this."

I gave him an AA-rank core of an ice drake or something like that as I don't know if that's what really is hiding inside this core. It looks like an ice drake's but there is something inside that's making me uncomfortable. Is it maybe a will? Maybe but I don't care, I already have a beast willl and the others won't be needing it.

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