12 : Reunion

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Grey Vritra

“Taegrin Caelum" I said with a smirk and saw Caera froze in place.

“Don't worry you're with me. And Agrona already said that he made you an exceptions in the highbloods who awakened their Vritra blood. I explained trying to calm her down.

“I already know that! But the High Sovereign is in there." She said nervously

“So what if he's there? it's not like somethings going to happen if you see him."

sighh You don't understand just how rare it is to see the High Sovereign in person. He's like a god to us Alacryans." Caera explained to me

“scoff A god? he's just a stressed ruler in my opinion. Well that doesn't matter, you're still coming with me."
I said sending a smirk to the nervous Caera.


The two of us just arrived in front of Taegrin Caelum. I forgot to ask Seris about the Tempus Wrap to go here so I flew the both Caera and myself here with wind mana. 

It's not that exhausting maybe because I'm already near white core but the ride is quite enjoyble. Caera keep screaming as she's afraid of heights.

I'm quite displeased because the horns that Agrona gave me isn't enough to push me to white core but it make sense as the horn is not complete and just a part of the original horn.

“The pattern of the cuts on the horn signifies that it is cut off during a battle."

I thought now wandering whose horn really is that. We approached the huge door of Taegrin Caelum and the guards immediately recognized me.

“Sir Grey, It is a pleasure to see you again. Please enter." One of the guards said while bowing. He's probably the leader of this group. Just as he bowed the rest of the guards followed.

The guards opened the doors and I walked in hilding Caera's arms who's following behind me. The two of us walked for a few minutes when I heard multiple footsteps which made the two of us stop.

We waited for a while then saw the source of footsteps, Three people consisting of a tall man with a full black armor covering his body, blood red cape same colors as it's eyes. And pale grey skin. Memories flooded my mind as I know who this man is.

“Cadell" I thought, My dormant emotions starting to wake up but tried my best to suppress it.

With Cadell is a woman who looks a little older than me. She has porcelain white skin and short snow white hair. I don't know who she is, but all I can assume is that she's a Scythe just like Cadell. 

In between the two Scythes is a boy with an average build and height. He has black hair and he isn't wearing his glasses anymore. Yes I know who this person is. He is a former friend, a friend who I saved from death and lived in the same room, my bestfriend. After what I've done to help him he betrayed me, treating me like a monster, the same as how they treated me.


Just as those words escaped my mouth, I didn't notice but Grudge is already in my right hand. I gathered fire mana in my legs and blasted it performing eclipse step.

I traveled really fast but it felt like everything is in slow motion. I noticed that the fire mana I blasted isn't color orange or blue as I always use but it's black. Ignoring that and focusing back to my target, I brought my sword up my head and swung it down to Elijah with my two hands. But another sword blocked mine.

“You look familiar boy." Cadell said swinging his sheathed sword making me blast away by a few meters.

“I could say the same to you." I replied and used Eclipse step again, I swung Grudge down to Cadell

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