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i woke up to faint sounds of sirens outside my house, someone was getting taken away i looked out my window brushing my purple hair away and seeing my mom being dragged away by the police i was shocked i tried to go see what was going on but i got pushed back i was honestly confused i knew my mom was messed up but she didn't deserve it. she didn't. i vowed to get revenge but i needed to do it on someone else. they have NO idea on whats coming for them and it makes me happy. but i need some friends first so we need that to happen

i started to plan what i would do to this mystery person but.. he will never know

i knew i was getting transferred to a new school cause i got expelled from my old one all i knew what that i needed revenge for my mother and a certain someone will give me it.

i got to school and i saw who i would use my revenge a short, cute boy with a tooth gap he was with another boy but the tooth gapped one caught my attention.

i walked over to him "HII! i'm sierra and i was wondering if u wanted to be friends i just transferred here!" the tooth gapped boy looked at the other boy and the other boy said sure they introduced themselfs as cody and noah

but cody has no idea whats coming to him.

i watched noah hold codys hand so i was hoping they weren't dating.. they showed me around the school but i saw a really pretty girl

she looked popular and i could over hear her name being heather she was a total cutie


i cant..



my mother always said that being gay was a sin but shes gone now and im too ugly for her anyway.

cody and noah showed me my locker and i thanked them 

i went to my class with noah in it he said i could sit next to him which was kind ive never been treated like that before in any of my schools

i wrote him a note

"Hey Noah?"

"Yes, Sierra?"

"Do you know what the answer for number 5 is?"

"it is 12"


he gave me the note back i felt bad about targeting them but i had to.

once the other class ended i walked to my other one and my other and other and other and i hated it but i made some friends so i was glad about that

in my old school i was a "stalker" even though i wasnt.

i knew my whole life i liked girls but i need to just focus on my plan and everything will go smoothly

i walked all day to go to my aunts

she welcomed me with open hands and i loved my aunt so i was glad she could let me stay with her

i started drawing and writing my plan who knew little codys life would be destroyed just by me? i knew i had to become "the bestest of friends" with cody and noah.. if one goes down who fucking knows what the other one will do

im just hoping nobody reads my notebook..


i woke up to my aunt calling my name repeatedly

"sierra!! sierra!! foods ready!"

i quickly fixed up my hair and i went to eat breakfast my aunt started talking to me

"so sierra, Hows ur new school?"

"Oh its actually super fun, I have 2 Friends named noah and cody!"

"Thats awesome sweetie" She gave me a smile

"Do u know why mom went to jail?"

"I'm not sure but im doing my best to figure it out. But while shes gone ill be taking care of you."


i finished my food and i got ready for school, I took the bus today & i got greeted by cody waving at me i walked up to him saying


he responded in the same way but with my name

"how are you today??"

"im doing kinda bad i got grounded so it's upsetting lowkey"

"whyd u get grounded"

noah responded for him

"cause his stupid ass doesnt know how to do his chores"

"shut the fuck up"

i laughed at them fighting i honestly felt bad about what i was gonna do but once it was planned i cant go back. The first class started and it was biology it was always my favorite and noah was in that class with me

i didnt have any classes shared with cody sadly but i had one shared with heather!!!

after school ended i asked cody and noah if they wanted to hang out with me after school

they both agreed and we went to a bowling alley

they both asked if i liked someone there and i told them i liked heather and they said in sync

"ooh someones obsessed with the mean girl"

we all bursted out laughing and i honestly had so much fun while doing this noah had the lowest score cause he didn't even try at all

and cody won

i think i could let this plan slide.. im not sure exactly

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