v. muggle london

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imessage & irl!


[theo's pov]


mattheo - the riddler
draco - dracy poo
lorenzo - enzo
blaise - blazed
theo - whore

theo mate
why are you staring at
the gryffindor table like that?

the riddler
his birds over there

i don't have a bird

yeah you do mate
you're down bad for daisy

dracy poo
potter's sister?
isn't she like a second year?

fifth year
but she's not my girl

but you want her to be
you haven't stopped texting
her since we hung out w
her and the girls

the riddler
yeah man
just admit you want the
ginger and get it over with

even draco can see you like her
you haven't slept around
since this year started

dracy poo
what's that supposed to mean?
you like her and it's chill
just don't bring potter around

i like her
she's just an amazing person all around
and  she's really pretty
oh god
i am a new person

enzo changed 'whore' to 'daisy's whore'

★ ☆ ★


theo :)
hey daisy

daisy 🌼
hi theo !!
what's up ??

theo :)
just wanted to see if you
wanted to skip w me

i've never skipped before lol
but why not
sounds like fun !!

theo :)
meet me at the one eyed witch statue
after breakfast

see you then !!

★ ☆ ★

"HEY!" daisy waves as she walks up to theo, who immediately sushes her, "oh, sorry. hey," she whispers with a smile on her face.

"where are we going?" daisy asks as theo opens up the secret passage.

"london." theo deadpans as he grabs her hand and pulls her into the passage.

"what do you mean london?" daisy asks as the passage closes behind her.

"it's friday, why not go to muggle london?"

"i don't know, maybe cause neither of us can apparate!"

"we don't need to apparate, daisy," theo rolls his eyes at the younger girl, "there's floo powder, and zonko's teleportation dust does wonders."

"oh. and how are we going to london on this fine day, theodore?"

"teleportation dust."


THEO AND DAISY walk around muggle london, laughing and talking the whole day. daisy looks up at the boy with a smile before realizing something. "i'm really hungry, theo!" she groans, spotting a nearby diner and pulling the older boy with her.

"all right," theo laughs as they enter, finding a table for them quickly. he sat down across from the girl he had come to realize he likes over the past weeks they'd been talking. "what are you gonna get?"

"a burger and chips and... oh my lord theo! they've got shirley temples! i'm getting a shirley temple!"

"what's a shirley temple?" theo asked embarrassedly.

wide-eyed, daisy looks up from her menu, "oh my GOD THEO! it's amazing! it's like sprite and cherry! you're getting one! you'll love it, and if you don't you can," she pauses, getting serious, "slap me in the face."

"dais, i'm not gonna slap you in the face," theo smiles, "i'll like it."


"I HAD A LOT OF fun today, theo," daisy says as theo walks her to the gryffindor common room, hand in hand, "thanks for letting me skip with you."

"it was no problem. i thought you'd have fun, and you did," theo stops her in front of the common room, turning to face her.

"you think about me?" daisy blushes.

"a lot, yeah," theo breathes out, resulting in a confused face from daisy. he tucks a piece of fallen hair behind daisy's ear before speaking again, "i'm gonna say something crazy, alright?"

"mhmm," daisy nods, looking up at him.

"can i kiss you?" theo asks, when he doesn't get an immediate response he starts, "you don't have to say yes, i just wanted to know and i-"

"shut up and kiss me, theodore nott."

and so he does.

lizzie speaks!
do y'all like the irl parts too? should i stop them?

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