Chapter 8

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Thankfully the afternoon had turned out to be a huge success. Jay went to the main office of their current building and found that a two bedroom apartment would be available just three floors up in less than a month. That would be easy enough to move, and he could enlist the help of Kevin and Adam in exchange for some pizza and beers. He was already counting down the days to when he could have sex privately again. Until then, they agreed that her place was their best option.

That evening, Jay was back at the apartment, frying up some steaks for dinner to make amends after today's horrific events. Erin had recently left as she didn't want to be there when Alex got back - she wanted to avoid the awkwardness like the plague and thankfully she could do just that. She'd meet Alex another time under much better circumstances.

After Jay flipped a steak on the George Foreman grill, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Alex.

Dinner in 30min. Come back so we can talk.

He put his phone back down and swore that he could hear her groan in annoyance at his text. Within five seconds, his phone started ringing. Assuming it was Alex calling to give some excuse as to why she'd be late, he answered immediately while flipping the other steak.


"So tell me, Jay, how are things going," came the rough voice on the other end that Jay instantly recognized as his father's. What the hell was he doing with Alex's phone? He pulled the screen away and cursed when he saw its contents - his dad had called him. It wasn't Alex. He'd never make this mistake again of answering without looking closely.

"What do you want," Jay demanded with little emotion.

The sound of Pat taking another swig of beer didn't go unnoticed. "Oh just checking in. I've heard you're having a hard time keeping tabs on the brat."

Well that was unexpected, and it took all his mental strength to not give in to the clear bait and mind games. "Things are just fine."

"Sure they are. If 'fine' means she's skipping school again." That announcement had Jay confused - was his dad trying to mess with him? He wouldn't put it past the old man. When Jay didn't reply, Pat decided to continue. "School called to tell me she was out all afternoon and asked for a reason 'cause she didn't sign out."

Jay put down the tongs and leaned against the counter. If this was true, then it made more sense why she showed up so unexpectedly this afternoon. A part of him didn't want to believe it because their dad was a dick. But deep down, he knew his dad had no reason to lie about something so specific, and Jay wasn't one to believe in coincidences.

"What did you tell them?" Jay pried without confirming or denying that Alex had skipped.

"What do you think?! I told them to leave me the fuck alone and start calling you with her problems moving forward."

Well, Jay could now check updating contact information at the school off his list. There was a silver lining in this call after all.

Jay was tempted to ask Pat what he meant about her skipping again - he desperately craved any actual details he could get about his sister, but he'd be damned if he asked his dad for anything. He'd have to find out another way. Not wanting this conversation to last a second longer than it needed to, Jay quickly replied, "Good. Glad they'll call me now. I'm working a case, gotta go." He waited a few moments to give him a last chance to reply.

"Guess she ain't as easy to take care of like you thought, huh?" There was clear malicious gloating in his voice as he took another swig of beer. "Better keep an eye on your wallet, boy."

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