Chapter 14

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Sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know your feedback - I enjoy hearing your thoughts. It keeps me motivated!

Alex and Emma were both sitting on the bed, laughing at an Instagram reel, the alcohol still mostly in control for one of them. Suddenly, the sound of Jay's distinct voice echoed in the corridor. "Where's Dr. Halstead?"

Alex felt her body turn to ice. What the hell was Jay doing here? Will said they'd talk - not her, him, and Jay!

"Ohshit," Alex slurred. Before Emma had a chance to ask what was going on, Will pointed to the room and pulled back the curtain so his brother could walk in.

Jay rushed in briskly, his detective aura fully on display, face hard but eyes filled with worry. His gaze first landed on Emma, checking if she was okay, then shifted to Alex. He was shocked to see her eyes were glossed over, clearly indicating that she was intoxicated. He glared over his shoulder at Will, pissed that he failed to mention that part. Honestly, Will was just as surprised to see her still drunk. Sure, she'd been tipsy when she'd come in, but she was visibly more drunk than before, which he hadn't expected.

Alex, sensing her brother's anger, rose to her feet, defensively. "What are you doing –"

Jay held up a hand, silencing her. He honestly had no idea who this girl was or her name, but he had to be police for a moment. He faced Alex's friend and took a deep breath, making sure his tone was calm and even. "I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. I'll have an officer come take a statement so we can –"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Emma held up her hands to pump the imaginary breaks. "I don't want any police involved." Getting tangled up with the law as the last thing she wanted tonight.

"But you need to give a statement, so–"

Emma shook her head briskly and immediately regretted it as she willed her vision to steady again. "No thank you, mystery guy. I'm okay."

"I'm Alex's brother," he explained, trying to keep his anger in check that this girl wasn't following his advice. "You really should–"

"Oh, the cop," Emma quipped with a knowing nod and a telling smirk.

"Detective actually," Jay snapped, standing a bit taller to make an intimidating point.

Emma's eyes whipped over to Alex beside her, confusion settling in. Something about hearing he was a detective triggered a wave of panic.

Hating that the heat was on her, a clearly not sober Alex turned her attention to Jay and boldly stated, "She doesn't want the police crap, Jay. So why don't you just shove it up–"

Seeing where this conversation was heading now, Will jumped in to calm the waters that were starting to get bumpy. "Let's not do this here. Emma needs to rest."

Alex clenched her jaw as Jay's eyes ripped fire into her. "Fine," they both answered at the same time.

Will intervened, trying to mediate the rising tension as he tugged his brother's upper arm. "Jay, let's go to one of the consultation rooms."

Shrugging his hand off, Jay followed Will, throwing a last glance at Alex, who was bracing herself for what was about to come. Emma reached out, squeezing Alex's hand. "You got this," she whispered. "Don't let him kill your buzz," she encouraged playfully. "Also, don't hate me, but god, he's hot too." She threw Alex an innocent smile followed by a fit of giggles as Alex groaned.


Inside the cramped consultation room of the hospital, a cloud of tension was thick and suffocating. Jay paced the floor, a furious energy emanating from him, while Will hurriedly closed all the blinds, not wanting their family drama on display for all to see. Once he'd finished that, he tried to maintain a semblance of calm, sitting stoically on a chair. Alex, however, with crossed arms, swayed slightly, her drunken state clearly visible and her usual feistiness amplified.

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