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I went home after we finished our dinner as I still had things to do here. Joice, on the other hand, was left there since she had nothing to do prior. Our parents didn't let her go which is okay with her. Joice is a very sweet daughter and sister. She's the one that I could run to any time I needed a friend.

But not every time, though. Especially at this time.

After completing the paperwork, I tried to rest and sleep my eyes but my mind wouldn't let me. It's bugging me. I got up to light my cigarette and puffed it to somehow make me calm. My heart's been beating rapidly and I can't control it.

I need something to breathe. My mind heard whispers as my heart wouldn't stop beating. It's happening again.

My heart would always be the problem. It's my heart all the time. And my heart will also be the reason for my death.

I went to my balcony to somehow get some fresh air as I smoked. I am sick yet smoking is still my only savior. But what can I do? Even if I stop this, I'll still die. No matter what I do, no matter how much I'll take care of my health, nothing will change. My death wouldn't disappear.

I looked down from the balcony and I saw a playground just around the area. It's not that dark and you can still see the surroundings of it.

Tempted to go there, I decided to get out of my condo and find myself walking on the sidewalk to go there, cigarette in my hand.

"It's cold as fuck," I whispered to myself as I shiver from the cold wind. Why did I go out wearing a shirt and shorts?

I'm hugging myself as I walk on the sidewalk. It's peaceful that there is no one I can see. Maybe this will be the routine that I will have before I die, huh? To walk in the middle of the night despite the breezing wind makes me want to run finding a warm place.

I found a playground in the middle of the street that suddenly brought me goosebumps. It's scary. It's not that dark but just enough to see the place.

I was about to walk past it and about to go back to my condo when I saw a man sitting on the swing. I gasped in shock. I immediately want to run. When I was about to run, I saw the white cat beside him that looked familiar.

Is that Laufey?

The next thing I knew, I was behind the man and the cat. My curiosity won't let me go.

"I almost thought you were a ghost." I'm still thinking you are, but I have to make sure.

The man turned his head around to look at me but suddenly jumped on his seat because of shock. I saw his terrified face which made me chuckle. He is cute, indeed.

"Thank God, you are not a ghost!" I exhaled loudly, thankful that he was a real person.

"I'm almost a ghost if I die because of shock!" he held his chest and was still shocked. His mouth was even open as he held his chest.

"Hey, I'm sorry for that. I didn't, uhm, mean to do that." I sincerely apologize.

"It's fine. I'm still recovering, though." I let him calm himself for a minute and then he says, "You're familiar, miss ma'am."

"I am?" I asked and he nodded. "How can you not be familiar with someone who almost hit your cat?" I shrug.

He made a face as if he finally realized why I was familiar. "Oh, right. Rose, isn't it?"

I nod, "And you are Maverick and she's Laufey."

"You have a great memory, huh?" he asked, amused.

I just shrug. "And what are you doing here in the middle of the night? You plan on scaring people?"

I am dying, and then?Where stories live. Discover now