Chapter 3

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The night was perfect, until the damn lycans began to chase her, fooling themselves into believing that they could catch her. She laughed eagerly when she left them far behind.

The clouds closed in the sky, they covered the beauty of the moon and the stars, and the storm was unleashed brutally. Is not that it bothered her, on the contrary, she had always loved when Mother Nature unleashed all her fury in that way. She smiled to her side, enjoying the thunderous sound in the sky and the freshness of the torrential rain that fell, as she continued along the road to her house.

Suddenly, she felt something very strong inside her, at the same time that lightning broke out in the sky, and the red lights of a car were seen in the distance. Immediately, the aroma of the driver's blood made her transform into that part of her that she could never finish accepting. Her eyes became sharp and clear, and her fangs popped out, bothering the sides of her mouth. She felt hungry and that enormous need, that normally, she could control.

She stopped her march, left her motorcycle and went into the forest, looking for something to calm her desperate need, because she would never take the life of a mortal. With the storm the animals were hidden, and it was a little difficult for her to get something, until she saw a moose, under a large tree. She masterfully approached her prey stealthily, but the animal started running frightened and she cursed at the damn animal running away.

In the race of the hunter and her prey, both rushed to the road, where a vehicle was seen in the distance, but approaching in good speed. She didn't hesitate to be able to reach her dinner before she crossed the road, but then one of the damn lycans showed up behind her prey. Before she could do anything, the animal crossed the road and barely escaped from being hit by the car, since the driver pressed the brake pedal, avoiding the crash, and, although she skated a few meters because of the enormous amount of water on the pavement, she managed to maintain control of the vehicle until she managed to stop on the side of the road.

She was fascinated observing the woman and her mastery behind the wheel, which was interrupted by a lycan. When the animal prey escaped, the lycan decided to try to surprise the human. The savage was very innocent, Lexa thought, who, in a couple of very fast movements, got rid of him with satisfaction. But knowing that the lycan would not be alone, without wasting time she went to her motorcycle and resumed her march at high speed. What she least wanted was to have to deal with more of them.

She though that she would have a serious conversation with his old rival, Roan Azgeda, the Alpha of the lycanthropes, since they had to stay in their territory, in the mountains, and not hunt on their lands, much less the humans of Polis, or their visitors. If they continued to violate the agreement signed centuries ago, the peace pact would be broken, and Lexa didn't want to reach that extreme. During her reign, diplomatic relations had prevailed to avoid blood must have blood and preserve the species.

When she passed the vehicle stopped on the side of the road with her motorcycle, she took a look at the very attractive driver, but when listening to the music in the car, Lexa decided that it was too boring for such an extraordinary storm. She stopped her motorcycle a few meters ahead, and after giving the human driver a smiling and a malicious look, her powerful mind took control of the device. In the large and very varied list of songs that the pretty blonde possessed, she looked for more appropriate music, and when she found the perfect song, she smiled with satisfaction.

Meanwhile, the innocent driver blinked her lights and raised her hand with a smile on her face, to let her know that she was fine. Then, the car resumed the march, and she did the same, at the same time that she started the song she had chosen, at a volume according to the storm, of course. She also thought it was a good idea to raise the human's adrenaline a little by taking control of the vehicle's speed, raising it to about seventy-five miles per hour. She would follow her in case she lost control, despite having witnessed her good control, she didn't want the human to suffer a horrible accident, just to experience a little action.

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